▼Nimt | This is a application specific file which is used to configure Imt.Base.Core.Math |
▼Nbase | |
▼Ncore | |
►Ndiagnostics | |
►Ntest | |
CMemoryLeakDetector | Provides a class that can be used to easily detect memory leaks |
►CAssertActionManager | The AssertActionManager defines some events called AssertActionEvents for which functions can be registered |
CAssertEventLimits | Limits for AssertEvent enum |
►Nmath | |
CMaths | Mathematical utility functions |
CMathUtils | Mathematical utility functions |
►Nplatform | |
CCppVersion | Provides check for the C++ version suppoprted by the compiler according to cpp reference |
CNoncopyable | Base class for a non copyable class that disables copy and assignment of instances |
CNonmovable | Base class for a not movable class that disables copy, assignment and move of instances |
CStaticClass | Base class for a static class that disables construction, copy, assignment and move of instances |
CVersion | Static class with version informations on the Imt.Base libraries |
►Nserialization | |
CDeserializer | Deserializes various data types from the given byte buffer |
CSerializableIfc | Serialization is the process of translating data structures into a binary representation |
CSerializableSenderIfc | Interface to write a serializable object to another object |
CSerializer | Serializes various data types into the given byte buffer |
►Nutil | |
CBitUtil | Bit Utility class pure static class |
CByteWordUtil | Contains some helpful converting tools |
CCharUtil | String Utility class pure static class |
CCrc | Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) See (german): http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zyklische_Redundanzpr%C3%BCfung |
CDateTimeStamp | Class to access date and time information |
CDequeue | Dequeue, Queue able to pop/push elements either from front or back |
CFlags | A template to create a type safe flags type from an enum |
CGenerateBitMask | Generates a bit mask of the given width left shifted offset bits from the least significant bit position of the word |
CGenerateUnshiftedBitMask | Generates a bit mask of the given width whose least significant bit is at the same bit position as the least significant bit of the word |
CGenerateUnshiftedBitMask< 0 > | |
CKeyWriteOnlyPolicy | A write-only mutability policy to enable writing registers like new reset register |
CListNode | Node used for LinkedList class |
CListNode< T, LinkedListType::SINGLE > | Node used for LinkedList class |
CListNode< T, LinkedListType::DOUBLE > | Node used for LinkedList class |
►CLinkedList | Linked list |
CIterator | LinkedList class iterator |
CMD5 | This class provides the MD5 checksum calculation routines |
CMinMax | Min/Max utility class |
CPoolAllocator | Fixed size pool allocator |
CRange | A range of values limited by an lower and upper value that is included in the range |
CReadOnlyPolicy | A read-only mutability policy for use with Register template |
CReadWritePolicy | A read-write mutability policy for use with Register template |
CRegister | Template to define register at runtime, by providing the mutability policy, like Read Only/Write Only/Read Write etc, address, offset and width |
CRingBuffer | This template class implements a FIFO ringbuffer |
CSpan | This template class provides a small wrapper around a data buffer |
CCrtpHelper | Requires == from the underlying type and provides == and != |
CIgnore1 | |
CIgnore2 | |
CIgnore3 | |
CIgnore4 | |
CIgnore5 | |
CIgnore6 | |
CIgnore7 | |
CIgnore8 | |
CIgnore9 | |
CIgnore10 | |
CEqualityComparable | Requires == from the underlying type and provides == and != |
CLessThanComparable | Requires < from the underlying type and provides <, >, <=, >= |
CTotallyOrdered | Provides ==, !=, <, >, <=, >= |
CAddable | Requires +, += from the underlying type and provides +, += |
CSubtractable | Requires -, -= from the underlying type and provides -, -= |
CAdditive | Groups Addable and Subtractable to one skill |
CMultipliable | Requires * from the underlying type and provides * |
CDividable | Requires / from the underlying type and provides / |
CMultiplicative | Groups Multipliable and Dividable to one skill |
CArithmetic | Additive and Multiplicative to one skill |
CIncrementable | Requires ++i from the underlying type and provides ++i, i++ |
CDecrementable | Requires –i from the underlying type and provides –i, i– |
CUnitStepable | Groups imt::base::core::util::Incrementable and imt::base::core::util::Decrementable to one skill |
CStrongTypedef | Prevent bugs at compile time by providing strongly-typed and expressive interfaces with zero overhead |
CVersionInfo | Provides version information in simple class |
CWriteOnlyPolicy | A write-only mutability policy for use with Register template |
▼Ndff | |
►Nactiveparts | |
►Ntest | |
CChannelConnectionVerifier | Helper class to verify that the ports are properly connected with channels |
CChannelMockIn | Mocking input channel for unit test which allows to pass data to the input port |
►CChannelMockOut | Mocking output channel for unit test which stores the received data |
CDataContainer | Structure which stores the received data received on the channel |
CEventArgsSerializer | Helper class for passing serializable data and getting a deserializer |
►CTestLoggerAP | Test logger for unit test which registers itself as Logger in Runtime and stores the received log entries |
CLogEntryContainer | Container which stores the received data |
CActivePartAbs | Abstract base class for an ActivePart |
CActivePartContainerAbs | A container groups several elements together (usually ActiveParts) |
CChannelIfc | Interface of a channel to transmit data to a receiver |
CChannelInternalForwarder | ChannelInternalForwarder handles the following situations |
CChannelOneToAny | Send the message on a One-to-Any channel (multiple receivers) |
CChannelOneToNull | Used to connect an output port that is not used to a sink |
CChannelOneToOne | Send the message on a One-to-One channel |
COneShotTimer | A one shot timer to be used in an active part |
CPeriodicTimer | A periodic timer to be used in an active part |
CPortInput | Messages can be received on the input port |
CPortInputSplit | Splits a message to multiple input ports |
CPortOutput | Messages can be sent on the output port |
CPortOutputJoin | Joins multiple PortOutputs to a single |
CReceiverIfc | Interface for any receiver |
CVariableOneShotTimer | A one shot timer to be used in an active part |
►Nruntime | |
►Narm | |
►Ncortexm | |
CGenericPowerSaveIdleCallback | Generic power save callback implementation for ARM Cortex-M runtime |
►Nmock | |
►CRuntimeMock | Mocking object which stores all relevant information for runtime |
CEventData | Container which stores the received data |
CTimerServiceIfc | Interface to start timer |
CEventData | Event data structure base |
CEventDataNormal | Event data structure for normal sized buffer |
CEventIfc | Interface for any event data |
CEventPoolCapacityCallbackIfc | Interface for callback about the event pool capacity |
►CEventReadyList | Class to store EventData-pointers according to their priority |
CNode | Internal structure to store event pointers as list, public only because of the pool initialization in the constructor |
►CExecutableConfiguration | Optional parameters that can be passed from the active part to the runtime to be considered when creating the executable (task, thread, ect.) for the specific runtime |
CCoreAffinity | Data type to pass the core affinity |
CStackSize | Size type to pass the stack size |
CTimeSlice | Size type to pass the time slice |
CExecutableIfc | Interface of an executable which is called by the runtime once an event has to be processed |
CFreeRunningTimer | Representation of a free running timer module in ticks, which keeps repeatedly running |
CIdleCallbackIfc | Interface for idle processing |
CRuntimeCore | RuntimeCore defines the basic Application Interface (API) to the core part of the event-based run to completion (RTC) kernel |
CRuntimeCriticalSection | Class for handling critical sections |
CRuntimeEventPools | Holds the internal global event pools for the runtime |
CRuntimeIdGenerator | RuntimeIdGenerator defines the basic Application Interface (API) to the id generation part of the run to completion (RTC) kernel |
CRuntimeInterrupts | RuntimeInterrupts defines the basic Application Interface (API) to the interrupt part of the run to completion (RTC) kernel |
CRuntimeLog | Implementation of a simple centralized logging mechanism |
CRuntimePools | Runtime executable for binary user specific allocation |
CRuntimePriorityLimits | Limits for RuntimePriority |
CRuntimeProtocolIdentifiers | Identifiers of protocols used in run to completion (RTC) kernel |
CRuntimeStatistics | Holds the data for the runtime statistics |
CRuntimeStatisticsCpu | Holds the data for the cpu usage statistics |
CRuntimeStatisticsEvents | Holds the data for the event usage statistics |
CRuntimeStatisticsExecutables | Holds the data for the executable execution statistics |
CRuntimeStatisticsTimers | Holds the data for the timer usage statistics |
►CRuntimeTimer | RuntimeTimer defines the basic Application Interface (API) to the timer part of the run to completion (RTC) kernel |
CTimeItem | TimeItem Object Structure |
CRuntimeTimerEvent | Event arguments which are passed when a timer is fired |
▼Nhal | |
►Nstm32f030 | |
►Nmock | |
CSTM32F030Mock | Mocking object which stores all relevant information for STM32F030 HAL |
►Nstm32f103 | |
►Nmock | |
CSTM32F103Mock | Mocking object which stores all relevant information for STM32F103 HAL |
►Nstm32f767 | |
►Nmock | |
CMockADC | Mock implementation for the ADC module |
►CMockCAN | USART mock implementation |
CCanModule | Enumeration of the available USART/UART modules on STM32F767 |
CFilterSettings | |
CMockDAC | Mock implementation for the DAC module |
CMockDMA | DMA mock implementation |
CMockEXTI | Mock implementation for the EXTI module |
►CMockFLASH | Mock implementation for the FLASH module |
CFlashSectorAddress | |
CMockGPIO | Mock implementation for a GPIO module |
CMockI2C | I2C mock implementation |
CMockI2S | I2S mock implementation |
CMockNVIC | Mock implementation for the NVIC module |
CMockPWR | Mock implementation for PWR |
CMockRCC | Mock implementation for the RCC module |
CMockRTC | Mock implementation for the RTC module |
CMockSPI | Mock implementation for the SPI module |
CMockSYSCFG | Mock implementation for SYSCFG controller |
CMockSYSTICK | Mock implementation for SYSTICK module |
CMockTIM | Mock implementation for the TIM module |
CMockUSART | USART mock implementation |
CMockUSB | USB mock implementation |
CSTM32F767Mock | Mocking object which stores all relevant information for STM32F767 HAL |
►Nstm32f769 | |
►Nmock | |
CMockADC | Mock implementation for the ADC module |
CMockDMA | DMA mock implementation |
CMockEXTI | Mock implementation for the EXTI module |
►CMockFLASH | Mock implementation for the FLASH module |
CFlashSectorAddress | |
CMockGPIO | Mock implementation for a GPIO module |
CMockNVIC | Mock implementation for the NVIC module |
CMockPWR | Mock implementation for PWR |
CMockRCC | Mock implementation for the RCC module |
CMockSDMMC | Mock implementation for the SDMMC module |
CMockSPI | Mock implementation for the SPI module |
CMockSYSCFG | Mock implementation for SYSCFG controller |
CMockSYSTICK | Mock implementation for SYSTICK module |
CMockTIM | Mock implementation for the ADC module |
►CMockUSART | USART mock implementation |
CUsartModule | Enumeration of the available USART/UART modules on STM32F769 |
CSTM32F769Mock | Mocking object which stores all relevant information for STM32F769 HAL |
►Nperipherals | |
►CADC | Analog Digital Converter (ADC) module |
CChannel | Enumeration for ADC External Trigger Edge |
CClockPrescaler | Enumeration for ADC Clock Prescaler |
CDataAlign | Enumeration for ADC Data Alignment |
CDMAAccessMode | Enumeration for ADC DMA access mode |
CEndOfConversion | Enumeration for ADC End of Conversion flags |
CFlagBit | ADC status register flags |
CInitCommonStruct | ADC init common structure definition |
CInitInjectedChannelStruct | ADC init injected channel structure definition |
CInitInjectedStruct | ADC init injected structure definition |
CInitRegularChannelStruct | ADC init regular channel structure definition |
CInitRegularStruct | ADC init regular structure definition |
CInitStruct | ADC init structure definition |
CInjectedRank | Enumeration for ADC injected rank |
CInjectedTriggerSource | Enumeration for ADC external injected trigger source |
CInterruptBit | Enumeration for ADC interrupt |
CMultiMode | Enumeration for ADC multi mode All other combinations are reserved and must not be programmed |
CRegularRank | Enumeration for ADC regular rank |
CRegularTriggerSource | Enumeration for ADC External Trigger Source |
CResolution | Enumeration for ADC Resolutions |
CSamplingDelay | Enumeration for ADC sampling delay |
CSamplingTime | Enumeration for ADC sampling times |
CTriggerEdge | Enumeration for ADC External Trigger Edge Injected & Regular |
CBKPSRAM | Backup SRAM module |
►CCAN | Controller area network(CAN) module register structure |
CAutomaticBusOffManagement | Automatic bus-off management |
CAutomaticWakeUpMode | Automatic wakeup mode |
CBaudratePrescaler | The baud rate prescaler defines the length of a time quanta t_q = (BRP + 1) x t_PCLK |
CCanRxMsg | CAN Rx message structure definition |
CCanTxMsg | CAN Tx message structure definition |
CErrorFlags | Enumeration for CAN error flags |
CFifoAssignement | Filter FIFO assignement |
CFilterActivation | Filter activation |
CFilterBankRegister | Filter Bank Configuration |
CFilterInitStruct | CAN filter init structure definition |
CFilterMode | Filter Mode |
CFilterNumber | CAN Filter number |
CFilterScale | Filter Scale |
CFrameLength | CAN frame length |
CIdentifierType | CAN identifier type |
CInitStruct | CAN Init structure definition |
CInterruptConfig | Enumeration for CAN interrupt config identifiers |
CLoopBackMode | Loop back mode (debug) |
CNoAutomaticRetransmission | No automatic retransmission |
CRemoteTransmission | CAN remote transmission |
CRxFifo | CAN used rx FIFO for receiving |
CRxFifoLockedMode | Received FIFO locked mode |
CSilentMode | Silent mode (debug) |
CTimeQuanta | Time Quanta |
CTimeTriggeredCommunicationMode | Time triggered communication mode |
CTransmitFlags | Enumeration for CAN transmission flags |
CTxFifoPriority | Transmit FIFO priority |
CTxMailbox | CAN used mailbox for transmission |
►CCRC | Cyclic redundancy check calculation (CRC)module |
CInitStruct | CRC Init structure definition |
CPolynomialSize | Enumeration for Polynomial Size |
CReverseInputData | Enumeration for Reverse input data |
CReverseOutputData | Enumeration for Reverse output data |
►CDAC | Digital Analog Converter (DAC) module |
CAlignment | Enumeration for DAC data alignment |
CChannel | Enumeration for DAC Channels |
CChannelConfigStruct | DAC config channel structure definition |
CTrigger | Enumeration for DAC trigger |
CDBG | Debug Hardware abstaction layer Reference: ST_CortexM7_STM32F769_TRM_Rev2.pdf Chapter 44 |
►CDMA | Direct memory access controller DMA Reference: ST_CortexM7_STM32F769_TRM_Rev4.pdf Chapter 8 |
CBurst | Enumeration for DMA Burst Selection |
CChannel | Enumeration for DMA Channel |
CConfigStruct | DMA Config structure definition |
CDataSize | Enumeration for DMA Peripheral Data Size Selection |
CDirection | Enumeration for DMA Direction Selection |
CFIFOMode | Enumeration for DMA FIFO Mode Selection |
CFIFOThreshold | Enumeration for DMA FIFO Threshold Selection |
CInitStruct | DMA Init structure definition |
CIRQ | Enumeration of available IRQ for DMA |
CMemoryIncrementedMode | Enumeration for Memory Incremented Mode Enable |
CMode | Enumeration for DMA Mode Selection |
CPeripheralIncrementedMode | Enumeration for Peripheral Incremented Mode Enable |
CPriority | Enumeration for DMA Priority Selection |
►CDMA2D | Chrom-art Accelerator (DMA2D) module register structure The naming of the fields is according to documentation and does not adhere to the coding style to allow using CTRL+F to find the name in the PDF |
CAlphaInverted | Enumeration for DMA2D Alpha Inverted |
CAlphaMode | Enumeration for DMA2D Alpha Mode |
CClutColorMode | Enumeration for CLUT Color Mode |
CColorMode | Enumeration for DMA2D Color Mode |
CDma2DState | Enumeration for DMA2D State |
CInitStruct | DMA2D Init structure definition |
CLayer | Enumeration for DMA2D Layer |
CLayerColorMode | Enumeration for DMA2D Foreground color format |
CLayerConfigStruct | DMA2D Layer configuration structure definition |
CLUTConfigStruct | DMA2D LUT configuration structure definition |
CMode | Enumeration for DMA2D Mode |
CRedBlueSwap | Enumeration for DMA2D Red Blue Swap |
►CDSI | Display Serial Interface (DSI) module |
►CError | DSI Error Data Type |
CBit | |
CState | DSI States Structure definition |
CDSIIrqIfc | |
►CDSITypes | Types for Display Serial Interface (DSI) module |
CClockLaneCtrl | DSI_Automatic_Clk_Lane_Control DSI Automatic Clk Lane Control |
CCmdCfgTypeDef | |
CDsiLongPktWrite | DSI_LONG_WRITE_PKT_Data_Type DSI LONG WRITE PKT Data Type |
CDsiPllInputClockDivider | Enumeration for DSI PLL Input Clock Divider Configuration |
CDsiPllOutputClockDivider | Enumeration for DSI PLL Output Clock Divider Configuration |
CHOST_TimeoutTypeDef | DSI HOST Timeouts definition |
CInitTypeDef | DSI Init Structure definition |
CLPCmdTypeDef | DSI command transmission mode configuration |
CNumberOfLanes | Enumeration for DSI number of Lanes |
CPHY_TimerTypeDef | DSI PHY Timings definition |
CPLLConfigStruct | DSI PLL Clock structure definition |
CPolarity | Enumeration for Pin Polarity |
CRgbColorCoding | Enumeration for DSI Color Coding |
CTearingEffectSource | |
CVidCfgTypeDef | DSI Video mode configuration |
CVideoModeType | Enumeration for DSI Video Mode Type |
►CEXTI | External interrupt/event controller (EXTI) The external interrupt/event controller consists of up to 25 edge detectors for generating event / interrupt requests.Each input line can be independently configured to select the type (interrupt or event) and the corresponding trigger event(rising or falling or both).Each line can also masked independently |
CInitStruct | EXTI initialization structure definition |
CLineSelection | Enumeration availabe EXTI lines on the EXTI module |
CMode | Enumeration of the available EXTI modes |
CTrigger | Enumeration available interrupt trigger selection |
►CFLASH | Embedded FLASH memory (FLASH) |
CARTEnable | Enumeration for Enable |
CFlashKey | Flash unlock keys |
CFlashSectorAddress | Flash sector addresses |
CInterrupt | Avaiable interrupts on the flash module |
CLatency | Enumeration for FLASH Latency |
COperation | Available operations |
CStatusFlag | Avaiable status flags on the flash module |
►CFMC | (FMC) module register structure |
CSDRAM_Bank | Enumeration for FMC SDRAM Banks |
CSDRAM_BurstRead | Enumeration for FMC SDRAM Burst read This bit enables burst read mode.The SDRAM controller anticipates the next read commands during the CAS latency and stores data in the Read FIFO |
CSDRAM_CASLatency | Enumeration for FMC SDRAM CAS Latency This bits sets the SDRAM CAS latency in number of memory clock cycles |
CSDRAM_ClockConfiguration | Enumeration for FMC SDRAM clock configuration These bits define the SDRAM clock period for both SDRAM banks and allow disabling before changing the frequency.In this case the SDRAM must be re - initialized |
CSDRAM_ColumnAddressBits | Enumeration for FMC SDRAM Colum Address Bits These bits define the number of bits of a column address |
CSDRAM_CommandMode | Enumeration for FMC SDRAM Command mode These bits define the command issued to the SDRAM device |
CSDRAM_CommandStruct | FMC SDRAM Command structure definition |
CSDRAM_CommandTarget | Enumeration for FMC SDRAM Command Target These bits define the command issued to the SDRAM device |
CSDRAM_DelayCycles | Enumeration for FMC SDRAM Delay Cycles |
CSDRAM_InitStruct | FMC SDRAM Init structure definition |
CSDRAM_MemoryDataBusWidth | Enumeration for FMC SDRAM Memory data bus width These bits define the memory device width |
CSDRAM_NumberInternalBanks | Enumeration for FMC SDRAM Number of internal banks This bit sets the number of internal banks |
CSDRAM_ReadPipeDelay | Enumeration for FMC SDRAM Read pipe These bits define the delay, in HCLK clock cycles, for reading data after CAS latency |
CSDRAM_RowAddressBits | Enumeration for FMC SDRAM Row Address Bits These bits define the number of bits of a row address |
CSDRAM_TimingStruct | FMC SDRAM Timing structure definition |
CSDRAM_WriteProtection | Enumeration for FMC SDRAM Write Protection This bit enables write mode access to the SDRAM bank |
►CGPIO | General Purpose I/O module Reference: ST_CortexM7_STM32F769_TRM_Rev2.pdf Chapter 6 |
CAlt | Enumeration for alternate function |
CInitStruct | GPIO configuration structure definitions |
CMode | Enumeration for GPIO Modi |
COutputType | Enumeration for Output Type |
CPin | Enumeration available GPIO Pins |
CPinDefinitionStruct | Structur for PinDefinition |
CPinEXTIDefinitionStruct | Structur for GPIO EXTI |
CPinState | Enumeration identifiers of pin state |
CPortMode | Enumeration for Port Modi |
CPull | Enumeration for PinConfiguration |
CSpeed | Enumeration for Output Speed |
►CI2C | Inter-Integrated Circuit I2C module Reference: ST_CortexM7_STM32F769_TRM_Rev4.pdf Chapter 33 |
CAddressingMode | Enumeration for I2C Addressing Mode |
CAutoend | Enumeration for I2C Autoend setting |
CDigitalNoiseFilter | Enumeration for I2C Digital noise filter |
CFlag | Enumeration for I2C for reading flags |
CInitStruct | |
CIrqClear | Enumeration for I2C for clearing flags |
CIrqEnable | Enumeration for I2C for enabling available interrupts |
COwnAddress2Mask | Enumeration for I2C Own Address2 Masks |
CTxRxStruct | |
CTxStruct | |
►CI2S | Inte-IC sound module |
CAudioFrequency | Enumeration for the AudioFrequency |
CDataformat | Enumeration for Data format |
CI2SStandard | Enumeration for I2S standard selection |
CInactiveClockPolarity | Enumeration for inactive state clock polarity |
CInitStruct | I2S configuration structure definitions |
CMasterClockOutput | Enumeration for Master clock output enable |
CMode | Enumeration for I2S configuration mode |
►CIWDG | Independent watchdog (IWDG) module Reference: ST_CortexM7_STM32F769_TRM_Rev2.pdf Chapter 30 |
CTimeOut | Enumeration for pre calculated timeouts |
►CLTDC | LCD-TFT controller (LTDC) module register structure |
CBackgroundColorStruct | Struct for the possible background Colors |
CBlendingFactor1 | Enumeration for blending factor1 |
CBlendingFactor2 | Enumeration for blending factor2 |
CInitStruct | LTDC Init structure definition |
CLayerConfigStruct | LTDC Layer structure definition |
CPixelFormat | Enumeration for pixel format |
CPolarity | Enumeration for the Polarity Options |
►CMPU | Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Reference : ARM Cortex-M7 Generic User Guide DUI0646B.pdf Chapter 4.6 Optional Memory Protection Unit |
CAccessPermission | Enumeration for MPU Region Permission Attributes |
CControl | Enumeration for MPU Control |
CInstructionAccess | Enumeration for MPU Instruction Access |
CRegionConfigStruct | MPU Region structure definition |
CRegionEnable | Enumeration for MPU Region Enable |
CRegionNumber | Enumeration for MPU Region Number |
CRegionSize | Enumeration for MPU Region Size Specifies the size of the MPU protection region |
►CNVIC | Nested vectored interrupt controller (NVIC) peripheral module |
CIrq | STM32F769 Interrupt Number Definition |
CIrqPriority | STM32F769 has 4 priority bits (=0xF = 16 priorities) |
►CPWR | Power controller module Reference: ST_CortexM7_STM32F769_TRM_Rev2.pdf Chapter 4 |
CBackupDomainAccess | Enumeration for Disable backup domain write protection, PWR_CR1.DBP |
CFlashPowerDownInStopMode | Enumeration for flash power down in stop mode PWR_CR1.FPDS |
CLowPowerDeepSleepMode | Enumeration for Low power deepsleep, PWR_CR1.LPDS |
CLowPowerRegulatorDeepSleep | Enumeration for lpw power regulator in deep sleep under drive mode, PWR_CR1.LPUDS |
CMainRegulatorDeepSleep | Enumeration for main regulator in deepsleep under drive mode, PWR_CR1.MRUDS |
COverDriveEnable | Enumeration for for overdrive enabled, PWR_CR1.ODEN |
COverDriveSwitchingEnable | Enumeration for for overdrive switching enabled, PWR_CR1.ODSWEN |
CPowerDownDeepSleepMode | Enumeration for Power down deepsleep, PWR_CR1.PDDS |
CPowerVoltageDetectorEnable | Enumeration for Power voltage detector enable, PWR_CR1.PVDE - not used |
CStopModeConfigStruct | Stop Mode Configuration structure |
CStopModeEntryMethod | Enumeration for stop mode entry method |
CUnderDriveEnable | Enumeration for under drive enable in stop mode, PWR_CR1.UDEN |
CVoltageScaling | Enumeration for regulator voltage scaling output selection, PWR_CR1.VOS |
CWakeupPinEnable | Enumeration for Enable Pin Wakeup - not used |
CWakeupPinPolarity | Enumeration for Wakeup pin polarity - not used |
►CQSPI | (QSPI) module register structure |
CAutomaticStop | Enumeration for QSPI Autopolling Automatic Stop |
CAutoPollingInitStructure | QSPI AutoPolling structure definition |
CByteSize | Enumeration for ByteSize |
CChipSelectHighTime | Enumeration for Chip select high time |
CCommandInitStruct | QSPI Command structure definition |
CDataLines | Enumeration for LineNumbers |
CDDR_HoldHalfCycle | Enumeration for QSPI DDR HoldHalfCycle |
CDDR_ModeEnable | Enumeration for QSPI DDR Mode |
CDDR_SIOO_Mode | Enumeration for QSPI DDR SIOOMode |
CDualFlashModeEnable | Enumeration for Dual Flash Mode Enable |
CFlashMemorySelection | Enumeration for Flash Memory Selection |
CFunctionalMode | Enumeration for QSPI Functional Mode |
CInitStruct | QSPI Init structure definition |
CMatchMode | Enumeration for QSPI Autopolling MatchMode |
CMemoryMapInitStructure | QSPI Memory Mapped mode structure definition |
CMode | Enumeration for Mode Selection |
CSampleShift | Enumeration for Sample shift |
CTimeOutActivation | Enumeration for QSPI TimeOutActivation |
►CRCC | Reset and clock control (RCC) peripheral module |
CAHBClockDivider | Enumeration for AHB clock divider Chapter 5.3.3, RCC_CFGR Bits 7:4 HPRE |
CAPB1APB2ClockDivider | Enumeration for APB1 and APB2 clock divider Chapter 5.3.3, RCC_CFGR Bits 7:4 PPRE1 AND Bits 12:10 PPRE1 |
CClockConfigStruct | RCC System, AHB and APB busses clock configuration structure |
CDSIClockSource | Enumeration for DSI clock source |
CI2CClockSource | I2C clock source selection |
CI2SClockSource | Enumeration for I2S clock source |
COscillatorConfigStruct | RCC Oscillator configuration structure definition |
COscillatorState | Enumeration for OscillatorState |
COscillatorType | Enumeration for Oscillator type |
CPeripheralModule | Enumeration of all avalibale peripheral modules |
CPLL | Enumeration for PLL Configuration |
CPLLClockSource | Enumeration for PLL Clock Source Configuration Chapter 5.3.2, RCC_PLLCFGR Bit 22 PLLSRC |
CPLLConfigStruct | PLL (phase locked loop) configuration structure definition |
CPLLPClockDivider | Enumeration for PLLP Clock Divider Configuration Chapter 5.3.2, RCC_PLLCFGR Bits 17:16 PLLP[1:0] |
CPllSaiDivR | PLLSAI division factor for LCD_CLK |
CRTCSource | Enumeration for possible RTC sources |
CSystemClockSource | Enumeration for system Clock Source Configuration Chapter 5.3.3, RCC_CFGR Bits 1:0 SW |
CSystemClockType | Enumeration for system clock type Configuration |
►CRTC | Real time Clock module Reference: ST_CortexM7_STM32F769_TRM_Rev2.pdf Chapter 32 |
CAMPM | Enumeration for AM/PM selection |
CDateStruct | RTC time structure definitions |
CDayLightSaving | Enumeration for Output selection - not used in current implementation |
CHourFormat | Enumeration for hour format |
CInitStruct | RTC config structure definition |
CMonth | Enumeration for month day units |
CTimeStruct | RTC time structure definitions |
CWeekday | Enumeration for weekday units |
►CSDMMC | SD/SDIO/MMC card host interface (SDMMC) Reference: ST_CortexM7_STM32F769_TRM_Rev4.pdf Chapter 39 |
CBusWidth | |
CCardCSD | Card Specific Data: CSD Register |
CCardState | SD Card State enumeration structure |
CClockDiv | Collection of useful clock SDMMC inerface dividers |
►CContext | SD context enumeration |
CFlag | |
CHandle | |
CInstance | Peripheral Handle |
CPeriphClockConfig | SDMMC Clock Configuration Structure |
CSdCardInfo | SD Card Information Structure definition |
CState | SD State enumeration structure |
CSupportedCard | SD Supported Memory Cards |
CSupportedVersion | SD Supported Version |
►CSDMMCTypes | Types for SD/SDIO/MMC card host interface (SDMMC) Reference: ST_CortexM7_STM32F769_TRM_Rev4.pdf Chapter 39 |
CError | SD Error status enumeration Structure definition |
CResponseRegister | Response Register |
►CSDMMCUtils | Low Level Utils for SD/SDIO/MMC card host interface (SDMMC) Reference: ST_CortexM7_STM32F769_TRM_Rev4.pdf Chapter 39 |
CAppCmd | Following commands are SD Card Specific commands |
CAppCmdInit | |
CCmdIndex | SDMMC Commands Index |
CCmdInit | |
CResponse | Response Type |
►CSPI | Serial peripheral interface(SPI) module register structure |
CBaudRateControl | Enumeration for baud rate control |
CClockPhase | Enumeration for clock phase |
CClockPolarity | Enumeration for clock polarity |
CDataSize | Enumeration for data size |
CFlag | Enumeration for available Flags |
CFrameFormat | Enumeration for frame format |
CInitStruct | SPI Init structure definition |
CIrq | Enumeration for available interrupts |
CMasterSelection | Enumeration for Master Slave Selection |
CNssPulse | Enumeration for NSS Pulse |
CSlaveSelect | Enumeration for slave management |
CSlaveSelectOutput | Enumeration for MultiMasterMode |
CSYSCFG | System Configuration Controller |
CSYSTICK | System timer (SysTick) peripheral modul Reference: ARM Cortex-M7 Generic User Guide DUI0646B Chapter 4.4 |
►CTIM | Timer (TIMx) peripheral module |
CAlignedMode | Enumeration of the available center aligned counter modes |
CAutoReloadPreload | Enumeration of the available TIM AutoReload Preload parameters TIMx_CR1 Bit 7 ARPE |
CChannel | Enumeration of the available TIM Complementary OC Pin State parameters |
CClkSrcInitStruct | TIM clock init structure definition |
CClockDivision | Enumeration of the available TIM ClockDivision parameters TIMx_CR1 Bits 9:8 CKD[1:0] This bit-field indicates the division ratio between the timer clock (CK_INT) frequency and the dead-time and sampling clock(tDTS)used by the dead-time generators and the digital filters |
CClockPolarity | Enumeration of the available TIM Clock polarity parameters |
CClockPrescaler | Enumeration of the available TIM Clock prescaler parameters |
CClockSource | Enumeration of the available TIM Clock source parameters Note : Add other clock sources when implemented |
CDirection | Enumeration of the available counter directions |
CEncInitStruct | Encoder Configuration structure defintion |
CEncoderMode | Enumeration of the available TIM EncoderMode parameters TIMx_SMCR Bits 2:0 SMS : Slave mode selection |
CFlag | Enumeration of the available interrupt flags |
CICInitStruct | Input Capture Configuration structure defintion |
CICPolarity | Enumeration of the available TIM IC Polarity parameters TIMx_CCER Bit 1 CCxP and Bit 3 CCxNP CC1NP/CC1P bits select the active polarity of TI1FP1 and TI2FP1 for trigger or capture operations |
CICPrescaler | Enumeration of the available TIM Prescaler parameters IC1PSC This bit - field defines the ratio of the prescaler acting on CC1 input(IC1) |
CICSelection | Enumeration of the available TIM IC Selection parameters Bits CCxS : Capture / Compare selection This bit - field defines the direction of the channel(input / output) as well as the used input |
CInitStruct | TIM Init structure definition |
CIrq | Enumeration of the available interrupts |
CMasterInitStruct | Master Configuration structure defintion |
CMasterOutputTrigger | Enumeration of the available Trigger Output parameters TIMx_CR2 Bits 6:4 MMS[2:0]: Master mode selection These bits allow to select the information to be sent in master mode to slave timers for synchronization(TRGO) |
CMasterOutputTrigger2 | Enumeration of the available Trigger Output parameters TIMx_CR2 Bits 23:20 MMS2[3:0]: Master mode selection 2 These bits allow the information to be sent to ADC for synchronization(TRGO2) to be selected |
CMasterSlaveMode | Enumeration of the available MasterSlave Mode parameters TIMx_SMCR Bit 7 MSM: Master / Slave mode |
COCFastMode | Enumeration of the available TIM OC Fast Mode parameters |
COCIdleState | Enumeration of the available TIM OC Pin State parameters |
COCInitStruct | Output Compare configuration structure definition |
COCMode | Enumeration of the available TIM OC Mode TIMx_CCMRx Bits OCxM These bits define the behavior of the output reference signal |
COCNIdleState | Enumeration of the available TIM Complementary OC Pin State parameters |
COCNPolarity | Enumeration of the available TIM Complementary OC polarity parameters |
COCPolarity | Enumeration of the available TIM OC polarity parameters |
CSlaveInitStruct | Slave configuration structure |
CSlaveMode | Enumeration of the available slave mode parameters |
CTriggerInput | Enumeration of the available trigger input parameters |
CTriggerPolarity | Enumeration of the available trigger polarity parameters |
CTriggerPrescaler | Enumeration of the available trigger prescaler parameters |
►CUSART | Usart/Uart peripheral module Reference: ST_CortexM7_STM32F769_TRM_Rev2.pdf Chapter 34 |
CAutoBaudRateMode | Enumeration for Auto Baud Rate Mode - not used in current implementation |
CBaudrate | Enumeration the Baud Value and its BRR Value for OverSampling 8 |
CHardwareFlowControl | Enumeration for the Hardware Flow Control Options |
CInitStruct | Usart Init structure definition |
CInterrupt | Enumeration of avaiable interrupts on the usart/uart module |
COneBitSampling | Enumeration of on bit sampling modes |
COverSamplingMode | Enumeration for Oversampling Mode |
CParity | Enumeration for the parity options |
CStopBit | Enumeration for Stop bit |
CTransferMode | Enumeration for Stop bit |
CWordLength | Enumeration for the Word Length |
►CUsbHost | USB on-the-go full-speed/high-speed (OTG_FS/OTG_HS) Host implementation Reference: ST_CortexM7_STM32F769_TRM_Rev4.pdf Chapter 41 |
CHandle | HCD Handle Structure definition |
CState | HostControlDriver State Structure |
►CUsbTypes | Types for USB on-the-go full-speed/high-speed (OTG_FS/OTG_HS) Reference: ST_CortexM7_STM32F769_TRM_Rev4.pdf Chapter 41 |
CDataPid | DataPid |
ChChConfig | Host channel configuration |
CHcState | Host channel States definition |
CUrbState | URB States definition |
CUsbConfig | |
CUsbEpType | USB End Point Type, |
CUsbMode | USB Mode |
CUsbPhy | USB Phy |
CUsbPhyClock | USB Low Layer HCFG Speed |
CUsbPortSpeed | USB Port Speed |
CUsbUtils | Low Level Utils for USB interface Reference: ST_CortexM7_STM32F769_TRM_Rev4.pdf Chapter 41 |
►Nregisters | |
►CADCCommonRegisters | ADC Common module (ADCCOMMON) register structure |
CADC_CCR | ADC common control register (ADC_CCR), chapter 15.13.16 |
CADC_CDR | ADC common regular data register for dual and triple modes (ADC_CDR), chapter 15.13.17 |
CADC_CSR | ADC Common status register (ADC_CSR), chapter 15.13.15 |
►CADCRegisters | Analog digital converter (ADC) register structure |
►CADC_CR1 | ADC control register 1 (ADC_CR1), chapter 15.13.2 |
CFields | |
►CADC_CR2 | ADC control register 2 (ADC_CR2), chapter 15.13.3 |
CFields | |
CADC_DR | ADC reguler data register (ADC_DR), chapter 15.13.14 |
CADC_HTR | ADC watchdog higher threshold register (ADC_HTR), chapter 15.13.7 |
CADC_JDRx | ADC injected data register x (ADC_JDRx) (x= 1..4), chapter 15.13.13 |
CADC_JOFRx | ADC injected channel data offset register x (ADC_JOFRx) (x=1..4), chapter 15.13.6 |
CADC_JSQR | ADC injected sequence register (ADC_JSQR), chapter 15.13.12 |
CADC_LTR | ADC watchdog lower threshold register (ADC_LTR), chapter 15.13.8 |
CADC_SMPR1 | ADC sample time register 1 (ADC_SMPR1), chapter 15.13.4 |
CADC_SMPR2 | ADC sample time register 2 (ADC_SMPR2), chapter 15.13.5 |
CADC_SQR1 | ADC regular sequence register 1 (ADC_SQR1), chapter 15.13.9 |
CADC_SQR2 | ADC regular sequence register 2 (ADC_SQR2), chapter 15.13.10 |
CADC_SQR3 | ADC regular sequence register 3 (ADC_SQR3), chapter 15.13.11 |
►CADC_SR | ADC status register (ADC_SR), chapter 15.13.1 |
CFields | |
►CCANRegisters | Controller area network(CAN) module register structure |
CCAN_BTR | CAN bit timing register (CAN_BTR), chapter 40.9.2 |
CCAN_ESR | CAN error status register (CAN_ESR), chapter 40.9.2 |
CCAN_FA1R | CAN filter activation register (CAN_FA1R), chapter 40.9.3 |
CCAN_FFA1R | CAN filter FIFO assignment register (CAN_FFA1R), chapter 40.9.3 |
CCAN_FIFOMailbox | CAN FIFO mailbox register set (CAN_FIFOMailbox), chapter 40.9.3 |
CCAN_FiR | CAN filter Filter bank i register x (CAN_FiRx) (i=0..27, x=1..2), chapter 40.9.3 |
CCAN_FM1R | CAN filter mode register (CAN_FM1R), chapter 40.9.3 |
CCAN_FMR | CAN filter master register (CAN_FMR), chapter 40.9.3 |
CCAN_FS1R | CAN filter scale register (CAN_FS1R), chapter 40.9.3 |
CCAN_IER | CAN interrupt enable register (CAN_IER), chapter 40.9.2 |
CCAN_MCR | CAN master control register (CAN_MCR), chapter 40.9.2 |
CCAN_MSR | CAN master status register (CAN_MSR), chapter 40.9.2 |
CCAN_RDHxR | CAN receive FIFO mailbox data high register (CAN_RDHxR) (x=0..1), chapter 40.9.3 |
CCAN_RDLxR | CAN receive FIFO mailbox data low register (CAN_RDLxR) (x=0..1), chapter 40.9.3 |
CCAN_RDTxR | CAN receive FIFO mailbox data length control and time stamp register (CAN_RDTxR) (x=0..1), chapter 40.9.3 |
CCAN_RF0R | CAN receive FIFO 0 register (CAN_RF0R), chapter 40.9.2 |
CCAN_RF1R | CAN receive FIFO 1 register (CAN_RF1R), chapter 40.9.2 |
CCAN_RIxR | CAN receive FIFO mailbox identifier register (CAN_RIxR) (x=0..1), chapter 40.9.3 |
CCAN_TDHxR | CAN mailbox data HIGH register (CAN_TDHxR) (x=0..2), chapter 40.9.3 |
CCAN_TDLxR | CAN mailbox data low register (CAN_TDLxR) (x=0..2), chapter 40.9.3 |
CCAN_TDTxR | CAN mailbox data length control and time stamp register (CAN_TDTxR) (x=0..2), chapter 40.9.3 |
CCAN_TIxR | CAN TX mailbox identifier register (CAN_TIxR) (x=0..2), chapter 40.9.3 |
CCAN_TSR | CAN transmit status register (CAN_TSR), chapter 40.9.2 |
CCAN_TxMailbox | CAN tx mailbox register set (CAN_TxMailbox), chapter 40.9.3 |
►CCRCRegisters | (CRC) module register structure |
CCRC_CR | Control register (CRC_CR), chapter 12.4.3 |
CCRC_DR | Data register (CRC_DR), chapter 12.4.1 |
CCRC_IDR | Independent data register (CRC_IDR), chapter 12.4.2 |
CCRC_INIT | Initial CRC value (CRC_INIT), chapter 12.4.4 |
CCRC_POL | CRC polynomial (CRC_POL), chapter 12.4.5 |
►CDACRegisters | Digital to Analog Converter(DAC) module register structure |
CDAC_CR | DAC control register (DAC_CR), chapter 16.5.1 |
CDAC_DHR12L1 | DAC channel1 12-bit left aligned data holding register (DAC_DHR12L1), chapter 16.5.4 |
CDAC_DHR12L2 | DAC channel2 12-bit left aligned data holding register (DAC_DHR12L2), chapter 16.5.7 |
CDAC_DHR12LD | DUAL DAC 12-bit left aligned data holding register (DAC_DHR12LD), chapter 16.5.10 |
CDAC_DHR12R1 | DAC channel1 12-bit right-aligned data holding register (DAC_DHR12R1), chapter 16.5.3 |
CDAC_DHR12R2 | DAC channel2 12-bit right-aligned data holding register (DAC_DHR12R2), chapter 16.5.6 |
CDAC_DHR12RD | Dual DAC 12-bit right-aligned data holding register (DAC_DHR12RD), chapter 16.5.9 |
CDAC_DHR8R1 | DAC channel1 8-bit right aligned data holding register (DAC_DHR8R1), chapter 16.5.5 |
CDAC_DHR8R2 | DAC channel2 8-bit right aligned data holding register (DAC_DHR8R2), chapter 16.5.8 |
CDAC_DHR8RD | DUAL DAC 8-bit right aligned data holding register (DAC_DHR8RD), chapter 16.5.11 |
CDAC_DOR1 | DAC channel1 data output register (DAC_DOR1), chapter 16.5.12 |
CDAC_DOR2 | DAC channel2 data output register (DAC_DOR2), chapter 16.5.13 |
CDAC_SR | DAC status register (DAC_SR), chapter 16.5.14 |
CDAC_SWTRIGR | DAC software trigger register (DAC_SWTRIGR), chapter 16.5.2 |
►CDBGRegisters | Debug support (DBG) |
►CDBGMCU_APB1_FZ | 44.16.5 Debug MCU APB1 freeze register (DBGMCU_APB1_FZ) |
CFields | |
►CDBGMCU_APB2_FZ | 44.16.6 Debug MCU APB2 Freeze register (DBGMCU_APB2_FZ) |
CFields | |
►CDBGMCU_CR | 44.16.4 DBGMCU_CR register |
CFields | |
CFields | |
►CDMA2DRegisters | Chrom-art Accelerator (DMA2D) module register structure |
CDMA2D_AMTCR | DMA2D AHB master timer configuration register (DMA2D_AMTCR), chapter 9.5.20 |
CDMA2D_BGCMAR | DMA2D background CLUT memory address register (DMA2D_BGCMAR), chapter 9.5.13 |
CDMA2D_BGMAR | DMA2D background memory address register (DMA2D_BGMAR), chapter 9.5.6 |
►CDMA2D_CR | DMA2D control register (DMA2D_CR), chapter 9.5.1 |
CFields | |
CDMA2D_FGCMAR | DMA2D foreground CLUT memory address register (DMA2D_FGCMAR), chapter 9.5.12 |
►CDMA2D_FGCOLR | DMA2D foreground/background color register (DMA2D_FGCOLR), chapter 9.5.9 |
CFields | |
CDMA2D_FGMAR | DMA2D foreground memory address register (DMA2D_FGMAR), chapter 9.5.4 |
CDMA2D_FGOR | DMA2D foreground/background offset register (DMA2D_FGOR), chapter 9.5.5 |
►CDMA2D_FGPFCCR | DMA2D foreground/background PFC control register (DMA2D_FGPFCCR), chapter 9.5.8 |
CFields | |
►CDMA2D_IFCR | DMA2D interrupt flag clear register (DMA2D_IFCR), chapter 9.5.3 |
CFields | |
CDMA2D_ISR | DMA2D Interrupt Status Register (DMA2D_ISR), chapter 9.5.2 |
CDMA2D_LWR | DMA2D line watermark register (DMA2D_LWR), chapter 9.5.19 |
►CDMA2D_NLR | DMA2D number of line register (DMA2D_NLR), chapter 9.5.18 |
CBitField | |
►CDMA2D_OCOLR | DMA2D output color register (DMA2D_OCOLR), chapter 9.5.15 |
►CARGB1555 | |
CFields | |
►CARGB4444 | |
CFields | |
►CARGB888 | |
CFields | |
►CRGB565 | |
CFields | |
►CRGB888 | |
CFields | |
CDMA2D_OMAR | DMA2D output memory address register (DMA2D_OMAR), chapter 9.5.16 |
CDMA2D_OOR | DMA2D output offset register (DMA2D_OOR), chapter 9.5.17 |
►CDMA2D_OPFCCR | DMA2D output PFC control register (DMA2D_OPFCCR), chapter 9.5.14 |
CFields | |
►CDMARegisters | Direct memory access (DMA) register structure |
CDMA_HIFCR | DMA low interrupt flag clear register (DMA_HIFCR), chapter 8.5.4 |
CDMA_HISR | DMA high interrupt status register (DMA_HISR), chapter 8.5.2 |
CDMA_LIFCR | DMA low interrupt flag clear register (DMA_LIFCR), chapter 8.5.3 |
CDMA_LISR | DMA low interrupt status register (DMA_LISR), chapter 8.5.1 |
►CDMAStreamRegisters | Direct memory access (DMA) stream register structure |
CDMA_SxCR | DMA stream x configuration register (DMA_SxCR) (x = 0..7), chapter 8.5.5 |
CDMA_SxFCR | DMA stream x FIFO control register (DMA_SxFCR) (x = 0..7), chapter 8.5.10 |
CDMA_SxM0AR | DMA stream x memory 0 address register (DMA_SxM0AR) (x = 0..7), chapter 8.5.8 |
CDMA_SxM1AR | DMA stream x memory 1 address register (DMA_SxM1AR) (x = 0..7), chapter 8.5.9 |
CDMA_SxNDTR | DMA stream x number of data register (DMA_SxNDTR) (x = 0..7), chapter 8.5.6 |
CDMA_SxPAR | DMA stream x peripheral address register (DMA_SxPAR) (x = 0..7), chapter 8.5.7 |
►CDSIRegisters | DSI host controller (DSI) module register structure |
CDSI_CCR | DSI Host Clock Control Register (DSI_CCR), chapter 20.15.3 |
CDSI_CLCR | DSI Host Clock Lane Configuration Register (DSI_CLCR), chapter 20.15.33 |
CDSI_CLTCR | DSI Host Clock Lane Timer Configuration Register (DSI_CLTCR), chapter 20.15.34 |
CDSI_CMCR | DSI Host Command mode Configuration Register (DSI_CMCR), chapter 20.15.23 |
CDSI_CR | DSI Host Control Register (DSI_CR), chapter 20.15.2 |
CDSI_DLTCR | DSI Host Data Lane Timer Configuration Register (DSI_DLTCR), chapter 20.15.35 |
CDSI_FIR0 | DSI Host Force Interrupt Register 0 (DSI_FIR0), chapter 20.15.45 |
CDSI_FIR1 | DSI Host Force Interrupt Register 1 (DSI_FIR1), chapter 20.15.46 |
►CDSI_GHCR | DSI Host Generic Header Configuration Register (DSI_GHCR), chapter 20.15.24 |
CFields | |
►CDSI_GPDR | DSI Host Generic Payload Data Register (DSI_GPDR), chapter 20.15.25 |
CFields | |
►CDSI_GPSR | DSI Host Generic Packet Status Register (DSI_GPSR), chapter 20.15.26 |
CFields | |
CDSI_GVCIDR | DSI Host Generic VCID Register (DSI_GVCIDR), chapter 20.15.9 |
►CDSI_IER0 | DSI Host Interrupt Enable Register 0 (DSI_IER0), chapter 20.15.43 |
CBits | |
CFields | |
►CDSI_IER1 | DSI Host Interrupt Enable Register 1 (DSI_IER1), chapter 20.15.44 |
CFields | |
►CDSI_ISR0 | DSI Host Interrupt & Status Register 0 (DSI_ISR0), chapter 20.15.41 |
CBits | |
CFields | |
►CDSI_ISR1 | DSI Host Interrupt & Status Register 1 (DSI_ISR1), chapter 20.15.42 |
CBits | |
CDSI_LCCCR | DSI Host LTDC Current Color Coding Register (DSI_LCCCR), chapter 20.15.49 |
CDSI_LCCR | DSI Host LTDC Command Configuration Register (DSI_LCCR), chapter 20.15.22 |
CDSI_LCOLCR | DSI Host LTDC Color Coding Register (DSI_LCOLCR), chapter 20.15.5 |
CDSI_LCVCIDR | DSI Host LTDC Current VCID Register (DSI_LCVCIDR), chapter 20.15.48 |
CDSI_LPCR | DSI Host LTDC Polarity Configuration Register (DSI_LPCR), chapter 20.15.6 |
CDSI_LPMCCR | DSI Host Low-Power mode Current Configuration Register (DSI_LPMCCR), chapter 20.15.50 |
CDSI_LPMCR | DSI Host Low-Power mode Configuration Register (DSI_LPMCR), chapter 20.15.7 |
CDSI_LVCIDR | DSI Host LTDC VCID Register (DSI_LVCIDR), chapter 20.15.4 |
CDSI_MCR | DSI Host mode Configuration Register (DSI_MCR), chapter 20.15.10 |
CDSI_PCONFR | DSI Host PHY Configuration Register (DSI_PCONFR), chapter 20.15.37 |
►CDSI_PCR | DSI Host Protocol Configuration Register (DSI_PCR), chapter 20.15.8 |
CBits | |
CDSI_PCTLR | DSI Host PHY Control Register (DSI_PCTLR), chapter 20.15.36 |
CDSI_PSR | DSI Host PHY Status Register (DSI_PSR), chapter 20.15.40 |
CDSI_PTTCR | DSI Host PHY TX Triggers Configuration Register (DSI_PTTCR), chapter 20.15.39 |
►CDSI_PUCR | DSI Host PHY ULPS Control Register (DSI_PUCR), chapter 20.15.38 |
CBits | |
CDSI_TCCR0 | DSI Host Timeout Counter Configuration Register 0 (DSI_TCCR0), chapter 20.15.27 |
CDSI_TCCR1 | DSI Host Timeout Counter Configuration Register 1 (DSI_TCCR1), chapter 20.15.28 |
CDSI_TCCR2 | DSI Host Timeout Counter Configuration Register 2 (DSI_TCCR2), chapter 20.15.29 |
CDSI_TCCR3 | DSI Host Timeout Counter Configuration Register 3 (DSI_TCCR3), chapter 20.15.30 |
CDSI_TCCR4 | DSI Host Timeout Counter Configuration Register 4 (DSI_TCCR4), chapter 20.15.31 |
CDSI_TCCR5 | DSI Host Timeout Counter Configuration Register 5 (DSI_TCCR5), chapter 20.15.32 |
CDSI_TDCCR | DSI Host Register (DSI_TDCCR), not documented in TRM Rev4, information from QubeMx Example HAL |
CDSI_TDCR | DSI Host Register DSI_TDCR), not documented in TRM Rev4, information from QubeMx Example HAL |
CDSI_VCCCR | DSI Host Video Chunks Current Configuration Register (DSI_VCCCR), chapter 20.15.53 |
CDSI_VCCR | DSI Host Video Chunks Configuration Register (DSI_VCCR), chapter 20.15.13 |
CDSI_VHBPCCR | DSI Host Video HBP Current Configuration Register (DSI_VHBPCCR), chapter 20.15.56 |
CDSI_VHBPCR | DSI Host Video HBP Configuration Register (DSI_VHBPCR), chapter 20.15.16 |
CDSI_VHSACCR | DSI Host Video HSA Current Configuration Register (DSI_VHSACCR), chapter 20.15.55 |
CDSI_VHSACR | DSI Host Video HSA Configuration Register (DSI_VHSACR), chapter 20.15.15 |
CDSI_VLCCR | DSI Host Video Line Current Configuration Register (DSI_VLCCR), chapter 20.15.57 |
CDSI_VLCR | DSI Host Video Line Configuration Register (DSI_VLCR), chapter 20.15.17 |
CDSI_VMCCR | DSI Host Video mode Current Configuration Register (DSI_VMCCR), chapter 20.15.51 |
CDSI_VMCR | DSI Host Video mode Configuration Register (DSI_VMCR), chapter 20.15.11 |
CDSI_VNPCCR | DSI Host Video Null Packet Current Configuration Register (DSI_VNPCCR), chapter 20.15.54 |
CDSI_VNPCR | DSI Host Video Null Packet Configuration Register (DSI_VNPCR), chapter 20.15.14 |
CDSI_VPCCR | DSI Host Video Packet Current Configuration Register (DSI_VPCCR), chapter 20.15.52 |
CDSI_VPCR | DSI Host Video Packet Configuration Register (DSI_VPCR), chapter 20.15.12 |
CDSI_VSCR | DSI Host Video Shadow Control Register (DSI_VSCR), chapter 20.15.47 |
CDSI_VVACCR | DSI Host Video VA Current Configuration Register (DSI_VVACCR), chapter 20.15.61 |
CDSI_VVACR | DSI Host Video VA Configuration Register (DSI_VVACR), chapter 20.15.21 |
CDSI_VVBPCCR | DSI Host Video VBP Current Configuration Register (DSI_VVBPCCR), chapter 20.15.59 |
CDSI_VVBPCR | DSI Host Video VBP Configuration Register (DSI_VVBPCR), chapter 20.15.19 |
CDSI_VVFPCCR | DSI Host Video VFP Current Configuration Register (DSI_VVFPCCR), chapter 20.15.60 |
CDSI_VVFPCR | DSI Host Video VFP Configuration Register (DSI_VVFPCR), chapter 20.15.20 |
CDSI_VVSACCR | DSI Host Video VSA Current Configuration Register (DSI_VVSACCR), chapter 20.15.58 |
CDSI_VVSACR | DSI Host Video VSA Configuration Register (DSI_VVSACR), chapter 20.15.18 |
CDSI_WCFGR | 20.16 DSI Wrapper Registers |
CDSI_WCR | DSI Wrapper Control Register (DSI_WCR), chapter 20.16.2 |
CDSI_WIER | DSI Wrapper Interrupt Enable Register (DSI_WIER), chapter 20.16.3 |
CDSI_WIFCR | DSI Wrapper Interrupt Flag Clear Register (DSI_WIFCR), chapter 20.16.5 |
CDSI_WISR | DSI Wrapper Interrupt & Status Register (DSI_WISR), chapter 20.16.4 |
CDSI_WPCR0 | DSI Wrapper PHY Configuration Register 0 (DSI_WPCR0), chapter 20.16.6 |
CDSI_WPCR1 | DSI Wrapper PHY Configuration Register 1 (DSI_WPCR1), chapter 20.16.7 |
CDSI_WPCR2 | DSI Wrapper PHY Configuration Register 2 (DSI_WPCR2), chapter 20.16.8 |
CDSI_WPCR3 | DSI Wrapper PHY Configuration Register 3 (DSI_WPCR3), chapter 20.16.9 |
CDSI_WPCR4 | DSI Wrapper PHY Configuration Register 4 (DSI_WPCR4), chapter 20.16.10 |
CDSI_WRPCR | DSI Wrapper Regulator and PLL Control Register (DSI_WRPCR), chapter 20.16.11 |
►CEXTIRegisters | (EXTI) module register structure |
CEXTI_x | EXT_x register (EXTI_IMR, EXTI_EMR, EXTI_RTSR, EXTI_FTSR, EXTI_SWIER, EXTI_PR), chapter 11.9.1 to 6 |
►CFLASHRegisters | Flash (FLASH) registers |
CFLASH_ACR | FLASH Access Control Register Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CFLASH_CR | FLASH control register Access: no wait state when no Flash memory operation is ongoing, word, half-word and byte access |
CFLASH_KEYR | FLASH Key register Access: no wait state, word access |
CFLASH_OPTCR | FLASH option control register Access: no wait state when no Flash memory operation is ongoing, word, half-word and byte access |
CFLASH_OPTCR1 | FLASH option control register 1 Access: no wait state when no Flash memory operation is ongoing, word, half-word and byte access |
CFLASH_OPTKEYR | FLASH Option key register Access: no wait state, word access |
CFLASH_SR | FLASH status register Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
►CFMCRegisters | (FMC) module register structure |
CFMC_BCR | SRAM/NOR-Flash chip-select control registers 1..4 (FMC_BCR1..4), chapter 13.5.6 |
CFMC_BTR | SRAM/NOR-Flash chip-select timing registers 1..4 (FMC_BTR1..4), chapter 13.5.6 |
CFMC_BWTR | SRAM/NOR-Flash write timing registers 1..4 (FMC_BWTR1..4), chapter 13.5.6 |
CFMC_ECCR | ECC result registers (FMC_ECCR), chapter 13.6.7 |
CFMC_PATT | Attribute memory space timing registers (FMC_PATT), chapter 13.6.7 |
CFMC_PCR | NAND Flash control registers(FMC_PCR), chapter 13.6.7 |
CFMC_PMEM | Common memory space timing register 2..4 (FMC_PMEM), chapter 13.6.7 |
►CFMC_SDCMR | SDRAM Command Mode register (FMC_SDCMR), chapter 13.6.7 |
CFields | |
CFMC_SDCRx | SDRAM Control registers 1,2 (FMC_SDCR1,2), chapter 13.7.5 |
CFMC_SDRTR | SDRAM Refresh Timer register (FMC_SDRTR), chapter 13.6.7 |
CFMC_SDSR | SDRAM Status register (FMC_SDSR), chapter 13.6.7 |
CFMC_SDTR | SDRAM Timing registers 1,2 (FMC_SDTR1,2), chapter 13.7.5 |
CFMC_SR | FIFO status and interrupt register (FMC_SR), chapter 13.6.7 |
►CGPIORegisters | General purpose input/output module (GPIO) register structure |
CGPIOx_AFRH | GPIO alternate function high register (GPIOx_AFRH) (x = A..K), chapter 6.4.10 |
CGPIOx_AFRL | GPIO alternate function low register (GPIOx_AFRL) (x = A..K), chapter 6.4.9 |
CGPIOx_BSRR | GPIO port bit set/reset register (GPIOx_BSRR) (x = A..K), chapter 6.4.7 |
CGPIOx_IDR | GPIO port input data register (GPIOx_IDR) (x = A..K), chapter 6.4.5 |
CGPIOx_MODER | GPIO port mode register (GPIOx_MODER) (x =A..K), chapter 6.4.1 |
CGPIOx_ODR | GPIO port output data register (GPIOx_ODR) (x = A..K), chapter 6.4.6 |
CGPIOx_OSPEEDR | GPIO port output speed register (GPIOx_OSPEEDR) (x = A..K), chapter 6.4.3 |
CGPIOx_OTYPER | GPIO port output type register (GPIOx_OTYPER) (x = A..K), chapter 6.4.2 |
CGPIOx_PUPDR | GPIO port pull-up/pull-down register (GPIOx_PUPDR) (x = A..K), chapter 6.4.4 |
►CI2CRegisters | (IC2) module register structure |
CI2C_CR1 | Control register 1 (I2C_CR1), chapter 33.7.1 |
CI2C_CR2 | Control register 2 (I2C_CR2), chapter 33.7.2 |
CI2C_ICR | Interrupt clear register (I2C_ICR), chapter 33.7.8 |
CI2C_ISR | Interrupt and status register (I2C_ISR), chapter 33.7.7 |
►CI2C_OAR1 | Own address 1 register (I2C_OAR1), chapter 33.7.3 |
CAddressMode10Bit | |
CAddressMode7Bit | |
CI2C_OAR2 | Own address 2 register (I2C_OAR2), chapter 33.7.4 |
CI2C_PECR | PEC register (I2C_PECR), chapter 33.7.9 |
CI2C_RXDR | Receive data register (RXDR_RXDR), chapter 33.7.10 |
CI2C_TIMEOUTR | Timeout register (I2C_TIMEOUTR), chapter 33.7.6 |
CI2C_TIMINGR | Timing register (I2C_TIMINGR), chapter 33.7.5 |
CI2C_TXDR | Transmit data register (I2C_TXDR), chapter 33.7.11 |
►CI2SRegisters | Inter IC Sound (I2S) module register structure |
CSPIx_CR1 | SPI control register 1 (SPIx_CR1), chapter 35.9.1 |
CSPIx_CR2 | SPI control register 2 (SPIx_CR2), chapter 35.9.2 |
CSPIx_CRCPR | SPI CRC polynomial register (SPIx_CRCPR) , chapter 35.9.5 |
CSPIx_DR | SPI data register (SPIx_DR), chapter 35.9.4 |
CSPIx_I2SCFGR | SPIx_I2S configuration register (SPIx_I2SCFGR), chapter 35.9.8 |
CSPIx_I2SPR | SPIx_I2S prescaler register (SPIx_I2SPR), chapter 35.9.9 |
CSPIx_RXCRCR | SPI Rx CRC register (SPIx_RXCRCR) , chapter 35.9.7 |
CSPIx_SR | SPI status register (SPIx_SR), chapter 35.9.3 |
CSPIx_TXCRCR | SPI Tx CRC register (SPIx_TXCRCR) , chapter 35.9.8 |
►CIWDGRegisters | Independent watchdog module register (IWDG) structure |
►CIWDG_KR | Key register (IWDG_KR), chapter 30.4.1 |
CFields | |
CIWDG_PR | Prescaler register (IWDG_PR), chapter 30.4.2 |
CIWDG_RLR | Reload register (IWDG_RLR), chapter 30.4.3 |
CIWDG_SR | Status register (IWDG_SR), chapter 30.4.4 |
CIWDG_WINR | Window register (IWDG_WINR), chapter 30.4.5 |
►CLTDCLayerRegisters | LCD-TFT controller (LTDC) layer module register structure |
►CLTDC_LxBFCR | LTDC layer x blending factors configuration register (LTDC_LxBFCR), chapter 19.7.21 |
CFields | |
CLTDC_LxCACR | LTDC layer x constant alpha configuration register (LTDC_LxCACR), chapter 19.7.19 |
CLTDC_LxCFBAR | LTDC layer x color frame buffer address register (LTDC_LxCFBAR), chapter 19.7.22 |
CLTDC_LxCFBLNR | LTDC layer x color frame buffer line number register (LTDC_LxCFBLNR), chapter 19.7.24 |
►CLTDC_LxCFBLR | LTDC layer x color frame buffer length register (LTDC_LxCFBLR), chapter 19.7.23 |
CFields | |
►CLTDC_LxCKCR | LTDC layer x color keying configuration register (LTDC_LxCKCR), chapter 19.7.17 |
CFields | |
►CLTDC_LxCLUTWR | LTDC layer x CLUT write register (LTDC_LxCLUTWR), chapter 19.7.25 |
CFields | |
CLTDC_LxCR | LTDC layer x control register (LTDC_LxCR), chapter 19.7.14 |
►CLTDC_LxDCCR | LTDC layer x default color configuration register (LTDC_LxDCCR), chapter 19.7.20 |
CFields | |
CLTDC_LxPFCR | LTDC layer x pixel format configuration register (LTDC_LxPFCR), chapter 19.7.18 |
►CLTDC_LxWHPCR | LTDC layer x window horizontal position configuration register (LTDC_LxWHPCR), chapter 19.7.15 |
CFields | |
►CLTDC_LxWVPCR | LTDC layer x window vertical position configuration register (LTDC_LxWVPCR), chapter 19.7.16 |
CFields | |
►CLTDCRegisters | LCD-TFT controller (LTDC) module register structure |
►CLTDC_AWCR | LTDC active width configuration register (LTDC_AWCR), chapter 19.7.3 |
CFields | |
CLTDC_BCCR | LTDC background color configuration register (LTDC_BCCR), chapter 19.7.7 |
►CLTDC_BPCR | LTDC back porch configuration register (LTDC_BPCR), chapter 19.7.2 |
CFields | |
CLTDC_CDSR | LTDC current display status register (LTDC_CDSR), chapter 19.7.13 |
CLTDC_CPSR | LTDC current position status register (LTDC_CPSR), chapter 19.7.12 |
CLTDC_GCR | LTDC global control register (LTDC_GCR), chapter 19.7.5 |
CLTDC_ICR | LTDC Interrupt Clear Register (LTDC_ICR), chapter 19.7.10 |
►CLTDC_IER | LTDC interrupt enable register (LTDC_IER), chapter 19.7.8 |
CFields | |
CLTDC_ISR | LTDC interrupt status register (LTDC_ISR), chapter 19.7.9 |
CLTDC_LIPCR | LTDC line interrupt position configuration register (LTDC_LIPCR), chapter 19.7.11 |
CLTDC_SRCR | LTDC shadow reload configuration register (LTDC_SRCR), chapter 19.7.6 |
CLTDC_SSCR | LTDC Synchronization Size Configuration Register (LTDC_SSCR), chapter 19.7.1 |
CLTDC_TWCR | LTDC total width configuration register (LTDC_TWCR), chapter 19.7.4 |
►CMPURegisters | (MPU) register structure - Memory Protection Unit |
CMPU_CTRL | MPU Control Register, Chapter 4.6.2 |
CMPU_RASR | MPU Region Attribute and Size Register, Chapter 4.6.5 Access: word access |
CMPU_RBAR | MPU Region Base Address Register, Chapter 4.6.4 |
CMPU_RNR | MPU Region Number Register, Chapter 4.6.3 |
CMPU_TYPE | MPU Type Register, Chapter 4.6.1 The MPU_TYPE register indicates whether the optional MPU is present, and if so, how many regions it supports |
►CNVICRegisters | (NVIC) register structure |
CNVIC_STIR | Software Trigger Interrupt Register (NVIC_STIR), chapter 4.2.8, page 4-8 |
►CPWRRegisters | (PWR) register structure |
CPWR_CR1 | PWR power control register (PWR_CR1), chapter 4.4.1 |
CPWR_CR2 | PWR power control/status register 2 (PWR_CR2) (PWR_CR2), chapter 4.4.3 |
CPWR_CSR1 | PWR power control/status register (PWR_CSR1), chapter 4.4.2 |
CPWR_CSR2 | PWR power control register 2 (PWR_CSR2), chapter 4.4.4 |
►CQSPIRegisters | (QSPI) module register structure |
CQUADSPI_ABR | QUADSPI alternate bytes registers (QUADSPI_ABR), chapter 14.5.8 |
CQUADSPI_AR | QUADSPI address register (QUADSPI_AR), chapter 14.5.7 |
►CQUADSPI_CCR | QUADSPI communication configuration register (QUADSPI_CCR), chapter 14.5.6 |
CFields | |
CQUADSPI_CR | QUADSPI control register (QUADSPI_CR), chapter 14.5.1 |
CQUADSPI_DCR | QUADSPI device configuration register (QUADSPI_DCR), chapter 14.5.2 |
CQUADSPI_DLR | QUADSPI data length register (QUADSPI_DLR), chapter 14.5.5 |
CQUADSPI_DR | QUADSPI data register (QUADSPI_DR), chapter 14.5.9 |
CQUADSPI_FCR | QUADSPI flag clear register (QUADSPI_FCR), chapter 14.5.4 |
CQUADSPI_LPTR | QUADSPI low-power timeout register (QUADSPI_LPTR), chapter 14.5.13 |
CQUADSPI_PIR | QUADSPI polling interval register (QUADSPI_PIR), chapter 14.5.12 |
CQUADSPI_PSMAR | QUADSPI polling status match register (QUADSPI_PSMAR), chapter 14.5.11 |
CQUADSPI_PSMKR | QUADSPI polling status mask register (QUADSPI_PSMKR), chapter 14.5.10 |
CQUADSPI_SR | QUADSPI status register (QUADSPI_SR), chapter 14.5.3 |
►CRCCRegisters | (RCC) register structure |
CRCC_AHB1ENR | RCC AHB1 peripheral clock register (RCC_AHB1ENR)), chapter 5.3.10 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_AHB1LPENR | RCC AHB1 peripheral clock enable in low-power mode register (RCC_AHB1LPENR), chapter 5.3.15 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_AHB1RSTR | RCC AHB1 peripheral reset register (RCC_AHB1RSTR), chapter 5.3.5 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_AHB2ENR | RCC AHB2 peripheral clock enable register (RCC_AHB2ENR), chapter 5.3.11 |
CRCC_AHB2LPENR | RCC AHB2 peripheral clock enable in low-power mode register (RCC_AHB2LPENR), chapter 5.3.16 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_AHB2RSTR | RCC AHB2 peripheral reset register (RCC_AHB2RSTR), chapter 5.3.6 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_AHB3ENR | RCC AHB3 peripheral clock enable register (RCC_AHB2ENR), chapter 5.3.12 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_AHB3LPENR | RCC AHB3 peripheral clock enable in low-power mode register (RCC_AHB3LPENR), chapter 5.3.17 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_AHB3RSTR | RCC AHB3 peripheral reset register (RCC_AHB3RSTR), chapter 5.3.7 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_APB1ENR | RRCC APB1 peripheral clock enable register (RCC_APB1ENR), chapter 5.3.13 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_APB1LPENR | RCC APB1 peripheral clock enable in low-power mode register (RCC_APB1LPENR), chapter 5.3.18 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_APB1RSTR | RCC APB1 peripheral reset register (RCC_APB1RSTR), chapter 5.3.8 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_APB2ENR | RCC APB2 peripheral clock enable register (RCC_APB2ENR), chapter 5.3.14 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_APB2LPENR | RCC APB2 peripheral clock enable in low-power mode register (RCC_APB2LPENR), chapter 5.3.19 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_APB2RSTR | RCC APB2 peripheral reset register (RCC_APB2RSTR), chapter 5.3.9 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_BDCR | RCC backup domain control register (RCC_BDCR), chapter 5.3.20 Access: 0 <= wait state <= 3, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_CFGR | RCC clock configuration register (RCC_CFGR), chapter 5.3 |
CRCC_CIR | RCC clock interrupt register (RCC_CIR), chapter 5.3.4 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_CR | RCC clock control register (RCC_CR), chapter 5.3.1 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_CSR | RCC clock control & status register (RCC_CSR), chapter 5.3.21 Access: 0 <= wait state <= 3, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_DCKCFGR1 | RCC dedicated clocks configuration register (RCC_DCKCFGR1), chapter 5.3.25 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_DCKCFGR2 | RCC dedicated clocks configuration register (RCC_DCKCFGR2), chapter 5.3.26 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_PLLCFGR | RCC PLL configuration register (RCC_PLLCFGR), chapter 5.3.2 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_PLLI2SCFGR | RCC PLLI2S configuration register (RCC_PLLI2SCFGR), chapter 5.3.23 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_PLLSAICFGR | RCC PLLSAI configuration register (RCC_PLLSAICFGR), chapter 5.3.24 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_SSCGR | RCC spread spectrum clock generation register (RCC_SSCGR), chapter 5.3.22 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
►CRTCRegisters | (CRC) module register structure |
CRTC_ALRMAR | RTC alarm A register, chapter 32.6.7 |
CRTC_ALRMASSR | RTC alarm a sub second register, chapter 32.6.17 |
CRTC_ALRMBR | RTC alarm B register, chapter 32.6.8 |
CRTC_ALRMBSSR | RTC alarm b sub second register, chapter 32.6.18 |
CRTC_BKPxR | RTC backup register, chapter 32.6.20 |
CRTC_CALR | RTC calibration register, chapter 32.6.15 |
CRTC_CR | RTC Control register, chapter 32.6.3 |
►CRTC_DR | RTC Date register, chapter 32.6.2 |
CFields | |
CRTC_ISR | RTC initialization and status register, chapter 32.6.4 |
CRTC_OR | RTC option register, chapter 32.6.19 |
CRTC_PRER | RTC prescale register, chapter 32.6.5 |
CRTC_SHIFTR | RTC shift control register, chapter 32.6.11 |
CRTC_SSR | RTC sub second register, chapter 32.6.10 |
CRTC_TAMPCR | RTC tamper configuration register, chapter 32.6.16 |
►CRTC_TR | RTC Time register, chapter 32.6.1 |
CFields | |
CRTC_TSDR | RTC timestamp date register, chapter 32.6.13 |
CRTC_TSSSR | RTC time stamp sub second register, chapter 32.6.14 |
CRTC_TSTR | RTC timestamp time register, chapter 32.6.12 |
CRTC_WPR | RTC write protection register, chapter 32.6.9 |
CRTC_WUTR | RTC wakeup timer register, chapter 32.6.6 |
►CSCBRegisters | System Control Block (SCB) register structure |
CSCB_ACTLR | Auxiliary Control Register (ACTLR) on page 4-11 |
CSCB_AIRCR | Application Interrupt and Reset Control Register (AIRCR) on page 4-17 |
CSCB_BFAR | BusFault Address Register (BFAR) on page 4-31 |
CSCB_CCR | Configuration and Control Register (CCR) on page 4-20 Access: word access |
CSCB_CCSIDR | Cache Size ID Register (CCSIDR) on page 4-39 |
►CSCB_CFSR | Configurable Fault Status Register (CFSR) on page 4-25 Access: byte, half-word and word access |
CSCB_CLIDR | Cache Level ID Register (CLIDR) on page 4-37 |
CSCB_CPACR | Coprocessor Access Control Register (CPACR) on page 4-56 |
CSCB_CPUID | CPUID Base Register (CPUID) on page 4-13 |
CSCB_CSSELR | Cache Size Selection Register (CSSELR) on page 4-40 |
CSCB_CTR | Cache Type Register (CTR) on page 4-38 |
CSCB_DCOSetWay | Data cache operations by set-way (DCISW, DCCSW, DCCISW) on page 4-62 |
CSCB_DFSR | Debug Fault Status Register (DFSR) |
CSCB_HFSR | HardFault Status Register (HFSR) on page 4-31 |
CSCB_ICSR | Interrupt Control and State Register (ICSR) on page 4-14 |
CSCB_MMFAR | MemManage Fault Address Register (MMFAR) on page 4-31 |
CSCB_SCR | System Control Register (SCR) on page 4-20 Access: word access |
CSCB_SHCSR | System Handler Control and State Register (SHCSR) on page 4-24 Access: word access |
CSCB_SHPR1 | System Handler Priority Register 1 (SHPR1) on page 4-23 Access: byte, half-word and word access |
CSCB_SHPR2 | System Handler Priority Register 2 (SHPR2) on page 4-23 Access: byte, half-word and word access |
CSCB_SHPR3 | System Handler Priority Register 3 (SHPR3) on page 4-23 Access: byte, half-word and word access |
CSCB_VTOR | Vector Table Offset Register (VTOR) on page 4-17 |
►CSDMMCRegisters | SD/SDIO/MMC card host interface (SDMMC) module register structure |
►CSDMMC_CLKCR | 39.8.2 SDMMC clock control register (SDMMC_CLKCR) |
Cfields | |
►CSDMMC_CMD | 39.8.4 SDMMC command register (SDMMC_CMD) |
Cfields | |
►CSDMMC_DCTRL | 39.8.9 SDMMC data control register (SDMMC_DCTRL) |
Cfields | |
►CSDMMC_ICR | 39.8.12 SDMMC interrupt clear register (SDMMC_ICR) |
Cfields | |
►CSDMMC_STA | 39.8.11 SDMMC status register (SDMMC_STA) |
Cfields | |
►CSPIRegisters | Serial peripheral interface(SPI) module register structure |
CSPIx_CR1 | SPI control register 1 (SPIx_CR1), chapter 35.9.1 |
CSPIx_CR2 | SPI control register 2 (SPIx_CR2), chapter 35.9.2 |
CSPIx_CRCPR | SPI CRC polynomial register (SPIx_CRCPR) , chapter 35.9.5 |
CSPIx_DR | SPI data register (SPIx_DR), chapter 35.9.4 |
CSPIx_I2SCFGR | SPIx_I2S configuration register (SPIx_I2SCFGR), chapter 35.9.8 |
CSPIx_I2SPR | SPIx_I2S prescaler register (SPIx_I2SPR), chapter 35.9.9 |
CSPIx_RXCRCR | SPI Rx CRC register (SPIx_RXCRCR) , chapter 35.9.7 |
CSPIx_SR | SPI status register (SPIx_SR), chapter 35.9.3 |
CSPIx_TXCRCR | SPI Tx CRC register (SPIx_TXCRCR) , chapter 35.9.8 |
►CSYSCFGRegisters | System configuration controller (SYSCFG) register structure |
CSYSCFG_CBR | SYSCFG Compensation cell control register |
CSYSCFG_EXTICR1 | SYSCFG external interrupt configuration registers 2 |
CSYSCFG_EXTICR2 | SYSCFG external interrupt configuration registers 3 |
CSYSCFG_EXTICR3 | SYSCFG external interrupt configuration registers 4 |
CSYSCFG_EXTICR4 | SYSCFG Class B register |
CSYSCFG_MEMRMP | SYSCFG memory remap register SYSCFG peripheral mode configuration register |
CSYSCFG_PMC | SYSCFG external interrupt configuration registers 1 |
►CSYSTICKRegisters | System Tick (SYSTICK) register structure |
CSYST_CALIB | SysTick Calibration Value Register (SYST_CALIB) on page 4-35 |
CSYST_CSR | SysTick Control and Status Register (SYST_CSR) on page 4-33 |
CSYST_CVR | SysTick Current Value Register (SYST_CVR) on page 4-35 |
CSYST_RVR | SysTick Reload Value Register (SYST_RVR) on page 4-34 |
►CTIMRegisters | Timer (TIM) register structure |
CTIMx_AF1 | TIM1/TIM8 alternate function option register 1 (TIMx_AF1), chapter 25.4.24 |
CTIMx_AF2 | TIM1/TIM8 alternate function option register 2 (TIMx_AF2), chapter 25.4.25 |
CTIMx_ARR | TIMx auto-reload register (TIMx_ARR), chapter 25.4.12 The value can be 32 bit or 16 bit based on the timer |
CTIMx_BDTR | TIM1/TIM8 break and dead-time register (TIMx_BDTR), chapter 25.4.18 |
►CTIMx_CCER | TIMx capture/compare enable register (TIMx_CCER), chapter 25.4.9 |
►CTIMx_CCMR1 | TIMx capture/compare mode register 1 (TIMx_CCMR1), chapter 25.4.7 |
►CTIMx_CCMR2 | TIMx capture/compare mode register 2 (TIMx_CCMR2), chapter 25.4.8 |
►CTIMx_CCMR3 | TIM1/TIM8 capture/compare mode register 3 (TIMx_CCMR3), chapter 25.4.21 |
CTIMx_CCR5 | TIM1/TIM8 capture/compare register 5 (TIMx_CCR5), chapter 25.4.22 |
CTIMx_CCRx | TIMx capture/compare register x (TIMx_CCRx), chapter 25.4.14 to 17 and 23 (note that TIMxCCR5 has some extra bits, see below) The value can be 32 bit or 16 bit based on the timer |
►CTIMx_CNT | TIMx counter (TIMx_CNT), chapter 25.4.10 |
CBit16 | |
CBit32 | |
CTIMx_CR1 | TIMx control register 1 (TIMx_CR1), chapter 25.4.1 |
CTIMx_CR2 | TIM1x control register 2 (TIMx_CR2), chapter 25.4.2 |
CTIMx_DCR | TIMx DMA control register (TIMx_DCR), chapter 25.4.19 |
CTIMx_DIER | TIMx DMA/interrupt enable register (TIMx_DIER), chapter 25.4.4 |
CTIMx_DMAR | TIM1/TIM8 DMA address for full transfer (TIMx_DMAR), chapter 25.4.20 |
CTIMx_EGR | TIM1x event generation register (TIMx_EGR), chapter 25.4.6 |
CTIMx_OR | TIMx option register 1 (TIMx_OR), chapter 26.4.19, chapter 26.4.20 and chapter 27.5.11 Combination of both registers because they are located on the same address |
CTIMx_PSC | TIMx prescaler (TIMx_PSC), chapter 25.4.11 |
CTIMx_RCR | TIM1/TIM8 repetition counter register (TIMx_RCR), chapter 25.4.13 |
CTIMx_SMCR | TIMx slave mode control register (TIMx_SMCR), chapter 25.4.3 |
CTIMx_SR | TIMx status register (TIMx_SR), chapter 25.4.5 |
►CUsartRegisters | (USART) module register structure |
CUSART_BRR | Baud rate register (USART Baud rate register), chapter 34.8.4 |
CUSART_CR1 | Control register 1 (USART Control register 1), chapter 34.8.1 |
CUSART_CR2 | Control register 2 (USART Control register 2), chapter 34.8.2 |
CUSART_CR3 | Control register 3 (USART Control register 3), chapter 34.8.3 |
CUSART_GTPR | USART Guard time and prescaler register, chapter 34.8.5 |
CUSART_ICR | USART Interrupt flag clear register , chapter 34.8.9 |
CUSART_ISR | USART Interrupt and status register , chapter 34.8.8 |
CUSART_RDR | USART receive data register, chapter 34.8.10 |
CUSART_RQR | USART Request register , chapter 34.8.7 |
CUSART_RTOR | USART Receiver timeout register , chapter 34.8.6 |
CUSART_TDR | USART transmit data register, chapter 34.8.11 |
►CUsbRegisters | (USB) module register structure |
COTG_CID | 41.15.13 OTG core ID register (OTG_CID) |
►COTG_DIEPTXF0_HNPTXFSIZ | 41.15.10 OTG host non-periodic transmit FIFO size register (OTG_HNPTXFSIZ)/Endpoint 0 Transmit FIFO size (OTG_DIEPTXF0) |
Cdevice | |
Chost | |
COTG_GAHBCFG | USB_OTG_Core_Registers, chapter 41.15.1-41.15.16 |
COTG_GCCFG | 41.15.12 OTG general core configuration register (OTG_GCCFG) |
COTG_GINTMSK | 41.15.7 OTG interrupt mask register (OTG_GINTMSK) |
COTG_GINTSTS | 41.15.6 OTG core interrupt register (OTG_GINTSTS) |
COTG_GRSTCTL | 41.15.5 OTG reset register (OTG_GRSTCTL) |
COTG_GRXSTSP | 41.15.8 OTG receive status debug read/OTG status read and pop registers (OTG_GRXSTSR/OTG_GRXSTSP) |
COTG_GUSBCFG | 41.15.4 OTG USB configuration register (OTG_GUSBCFG) |
COTG_HCCHAR | USB_OTG_Host_Channel_Registers, chapter 41.15.25-41.15.30 |
COTG_HCFG | USB_OTG_Host_Mode_Registers, chapter 41.15.17-41.15.24 |
COTG_HCINT | 41.15.27 OTG host channel x interrupt register (OTG_HCINTx) (x = 0..15[HS] / 11[FS], where x = Channel number) |
COTG_HCINTMSK | 41.15.28 OTG host channel x interrupt mask register (OTG_HCINTMSKx) (x = 0..15[HS] / 11[FS], where x = Channel number) |
COTG_HCTSIZ | 41.15.29 OTG host channel x transfer size register (OTG_HCTSIZx) (x = 0..15[HS] / 11[FS], where x = Channel number) |
COTG_HFNUM | 41.15.20 OTG host frame number/frame time remaining register (OTG_HFNUM) |
COTG_HPRT | 41.15.24 OTG host port control and status register (OTG_HPRT) |
►COTG_HPTXFSIZ | 41.15.15 OTG host periodic transmit FIFO size register (OTG_HPTXFSIZ) |
Cfields | |
CREG | |
CUSB_Core | |
CUSB_Host | |
CUSB_HostChannel | |
►CWWDGRegisters | (WWDG) system window satchdog module register structure |
CWWDG_CFR | Configuration register (WWDG_CFR), chapter 31.4.2 |
CWWDG_CR | Control register (WWDG_CR), chapter 31.4.1 |
CWWDG_SR | Status register (WWDG_SR), chapter 31.4.3 |
CCoreCortexM7 | |
CSystemMemoryMap | Definition of hardware memory map |
CADCModuleAddress | Enumeration of the available ADC modules identifiers |
CDMAModuleAddress | Enumeration of the available DMA modules identifiers |
CDMAStreamModuleAddress | Enumeration of the available DMA stream modules identifiers |
CGPIOModuleAddress | Enumeration of the available GPIO modules identifiers |
CI2CModuleAddress | Enumeration of the available I2C modules identifiers |
CI2SModuleAddress | Enumeration of the available I2S modules identifiers |
CLTDCLayerModuleAddress | Enumeration of the available LTDC modules identifiers |
CUsartModuleAddress | Enumeration of the available USART/UART modules on STM32F769 |
CSPIModuleAddress | Enumeration of the available SPI modules on STM32F769 |
CTIMModuleAddress | Enumeration of the available TIM modules identifiers |
CCANModuleAddress | Enumeration of the available CAM modules on STM32F769 |
CSDMMCModuleAddress | Enumeration of the available SDMMC modules on STM32F769 |
CUSBModuleAddress | Enumeration of the available USB OTG modules on STM32F769 |
CTiming | |
CStatus | HAL Status structures definition |
CLock | HAL Lock structures definition |
CFunctionalState | Functional State, can be used for registers with bit access |
CEdgePolarity | Edge Polarity |
►Nstm32h730 | |
►Nmock | |
CMockADC | Mock implementation for the ADC module |
CMockCRCheck | Mock implementation for the CRC module |
CMockDMA | Mock implementation for the DMA module |
CMockDMAMUX | Mock implementation for the DMAMUX module |
►CMockFLASH | Mock implementation for the FLASH module |
CFlashSectorAddress | |
CMockGPIO | Mock implementation for a GPIO module |
CMockI2C | Mock implementation for a I2C module |
CMockMPU | Mock implementation for the MPU module |
CMockNVIC | Mock implementation for the NVIC module |
CMockOSPI | Mock implementation for the OSPI module |
CMockOSPIM | Mock implementation for the OSPIM module |
CMockPWR | Mock implementation for PWR |
CMockRCC | Mock implementation for the RCC module |
CMockRTC | Mock implementation for the RTC module |
CMockSYSCFG | Mock implementation for SYSCFG controller |
CMockSYSTICK | Mock implementation for SYSTICK module |
CMockTIM | Mock implementation for the TIM module |
CMockUSART | Mock implementation for the USART module |
CMockCoreCortexM7 | Mock implementation for the CoreCortexM7 module |
CSTM32H730Mock | Mocking object which stores all relevant information for STM32H730 HAL |
►Nperipherals | |
►CADC | Analog Digital Converter (ADC) module |
CInitCommonStruct | ADC init common structure definition |
CInitRegularChannelStruct | ADC init regular channel structure definition |
CInitRegularStruct | ADC init regular structure definition |
CInitStruct | ADC init structure definition |
►CCRCheck | Cyclic redundancy check calculation (CRC)module |
CInitStruct | CRC Init structure definition |
►CDMA | Direct memory access controller DMA Reference: ST_CortexM7_STM32H730_TRM_Rev4.pdf Chapter 8 |
CConfigStruct | DMA Config structure definition |
CInitStruct | DMA Init structure definition |
CDMAMUX | Direct memory access controller DMA Reference: ST_CortexM7_STM32H730_TRM_Rev4.pdf Chapter 8 |
►CFLASH | Embedded FLASH memory (FLASH) |
CFlashSectorAddress | Flash sector addresses |
►CGPIO | General Purpose I/O module Reference: ST_CortexM7_STM32H730_TRM_Rev2.pdf Chapter 13 |
CInitStruct | GPIO configuration structure definitions |
CPinDefinitionStruct | Structur for PinDefinition |
►CI2C | Inter-Integrated Circuit I2C module Reference: ST_CortexM7_STM32H730_TRM_Rev2.pdf Chapter 52 |
CInitStruct | |
CRxStruct | |
CTxRxStruct | |
CTxStruct | |
►CMPU | Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Reference : ARM Cortex-M7 Generic User Guide DUI0646B.pdf Chapter 4.6 Optional Memory Protection Unit |
CRegionConfigStruct | MPU Region structure definition |
CNVIC | Nested vectored interrupt controller (NVIC) peripheral module |
►COSPI | (OSPI) module register structure |
CAutoPollingInitStructure | OSPI AutoPolling structure definition |
CCommandInitStruct | OSPI Command structure definition |
CInitStruct | OSPI Init structure definition |
CMemoryMapInitStructure | OSPI Memory Mapped mode structure definition |
►COSPIM | (OSPIM) module register structure |
CInitStruct | OSPIM struct used for init method |
CPnCRStruct | OSPIM struct used to set the PCR register for port n |
CPWR | Power controller module Reference: ST_CortexM7_STM32F767_TRM_Rev2.pdf Chapter 4 |
►CRCC | Reset and clock control (RCC) peripheral module |
CClockConfigStruct | RCC System, AHB and APB busses clock configuration structure |
COscillatorConfigStruct | RCC Oscillator configuration structure definition |
CPLLConfigStruct | PLL (phase locked loop) configuration structure definition |
►CRTC | Real time Clock module Reference: ST_CortexM7_STM32H730_TRM_Rev2.pdf Chapter 51 |
CAMPM | Enumeration for AM/PM selection |
CClockSource | Enumeration for RTC ClockSource Selection |
CDateStruct | RTC time structure definitions |
CDayLightSaving | Enumeration for RTC DayLight Saving Definition |
CHourFormat | Enumeration for hour format |
CInitStruct | RTC config structure definition |
CMonth | Enumeration for month day units |
COutPutPolarity | Enumeration for RTC Output Polarity Definition - not used in current implementation |
COutputSelection | Enumeration for Output selection - not used in current implementation |
CTampPreChargeDuration | Enumeration for RTC_TAMP precharge duration - not used in current implementation |
CTimeStruct | RTC time structure definitions |
CWakeupClockSelection | Enumeration for Wakeup Clock selection - not used in current implementation |
CWeekday | Enumeration for weekday units |
CSYSCFG | System Configuration Controller |
CSYSTICK | System timer (SysTick) peripheral modul Reference: ARM Cortex-M7 Generic User Guide DUI0646B Chapter 4.4 |
►CTIM | Timer (TIMx) peripheral module |
CClkSrcInitStruct | TIM clock init structure definition |
CEncInitStruct | Encoder Configuration structure defintion |
CICInitStruct | Input Capture Configuration structure defintion |
CInitStruct | TIM Init structure definition |
CMasterInitStruct | Master Configuration structure defintion |
COCInitStruct | Output Compare configuration structure definition |
CSlaveInitStruct | Slave configuration structure |
►CUSART | Usart/Uart peripheral module Reference: ST_CortexM7_STM32H730_TRM_Rev2.pdf Chapter 53 |
CInitStruct | Usart Init structure definition |
►Nregisters | |
►CADC12Registers | Analog digital converter (ADC) register structure |
CADC_AWDxCR | ADC analog watchdog x configuration register (ADC_AWDxCR) (x=2.3), chapter 28.6.19, 28.6.20 |
CADC_CALFACT | ADC calibration factors register (ADC_CALFACT), chapter 28.6.26 |
CADC_CALFACT2 | ADC calibration factor register 2 (ADC_CALFACT2), chapter 28.6.27 |
CADC_CFGR | ADC configuration register (ADC_CFGR), chapter 28.6.4 |
CADC_CFGR2 | ADC configuration register 2 (ADC_CFGR2), chapter 28.6.5 |
CADC_CR | ADC control register (ADC_CR), chapter 28.6.3 |
CADC_DIFSEL | ADC differential mode selection register (ADC_DIFSEL), chapter 28.6.25 |
CADC_DR | ADC reguler data register (ADC_DR), chapter 28.6.15 |
CADC_HTRx | ADC watchdog threshold register x (ADC_HTRx) (x=1-3), chapter 28.6.10, 28.6.22, 28.6.24 |
CADC_IER | ADC interrupt enable register (ADC_IER), chapter 28.6.2 |
CADC_ISR | ADC interrupt and status register (ADC_ISR), chapter 28.6.1 |
CADC_JDRy | ADC injected channel y data register (ADC_JDRy), chapter 28.6.18 |
CADC_JSQR | ADC injected sequence register (ADC_JSQR), chapter 28.6.16 |
CADC_LTRx | ADC watchdog threshold register x (ADC_LTRx) (x=1-3), chapter 28.6.9, 28.6.21, 28.6.23 |
CADC_OFRy | ADC injected channel y offset register (ADC_OFRy), chapter 28.6.17 |
CADC_PCSEL | ADC channel preselection register (ADC_PCSEL), chapter 28.6.8 |
CADC_SMPR1 | ADC sample time register 1 (ADC_SMPR1), chapter 28.6.6 |
CADC_SMPR2 | ADC sample time register 2 (ADC_SMPR2), chapter 28.6.7 |
CADC_SQR1 | ADC regular sequence register 1 (ADC_SQR1), chapter 28.6.11 |
CADC_SQR2 | ADC regular sequence register 2 (ADC_SQR2), chapter 28.6.12 |
CADC_SQR3 | ADC regular sequence register 3 (ADC_SQR3), chapter 28.6.13 |
CADC_SQR4 | ADC regular sequence register 4 (ADC_SQR4), chapter 28.6.14 |
►CADC3Registers | Analog digital converter (ADC) register structure |
CADC_AWDxCR | ADC analog watchdog x configuration register (ADC_AWDxCR) (x=2.3), chapter 29.6.19, 29.6.20 |
CADC_CALFACT | ADC calibration factors register (ADC_CALFACT), chapter 29.6.22 |
CADC_CFGR | ADC configuration register (ADC_CFGR), chapter 29.6.4 |
CADC_CFGR2 | ADC configuration register 2 (ADC_CFGR2), chapter 29.6.5 |
CADC_CR | ADC control register (ADC_CR), chapter 29.6.3 |
CADC_DIFSEL | ADC differential mode selection register (ADC_DIFSEL), chapter 29.6.21 |
CADC_DR | ADC reguler data register (ADC_DR), chapter 29.6.15 |
CADC_IER | ADC interrupt enable register (ADC_IER), chapter 29.6.2 |
CADC_ISR | ADC interrupt and status register (ADC_ISR), chapter 29.6.1 |
CADC_JDRy | ADC injected channel y data register (ADC_JDRy), chapter 29.6.18 |
CADC_JSQR | ADC injected sequence register (ADC_JSQR), chapter 29.6.16 |
CADC_OFRy | ADC injected channel y offset register (ADC_OFRy), chapter 29.6.17 |
CADC_SMPR1 | ADC sample time register 1 (ADC_SMPR1), chapter 29.6.6 |
CADC_SMPR2 | ADC sample time register 2 (ADC_SMPR2), chapter 29.6.7 |
CADC_SQR1 | ADC regular sequence register 1 (ADC_SQR1), chapter 29.6.11 |
CADC_SQR2 | ADC regular sequence register 2 (ADC_SQR2), chapter 29.6.12 |
CADC_SQR3 | ADC regular sequence register 3 (ADC_SQR3), chapter 29.6.13 |
CADC_SQR4 | ADC regular sequence register 4 (ADC_SQR4), chapter 29.6.14 |
CADC_TR1 | ADC watchdog threshold register x (ADC_LTRx) (x=1-3), chapter 29.6.8 |
CADC_TR2 | ADC watchdog threshold register x (ADC_HTRx) (x=1-3), chapter 29.6.9 |
CADC_TR3 | ADC watchdog threshold register 3 (ADC_TR3), 29.6.10 |
►CADCCommonRegisters | ADC Common module (ADCCOMMON) register structure |
CADCx_CCR | ADC common control register (ADCx_CCR) (x=1/2), chapter 28.7.2 ADC common control register (ADCx_CCR) (x=3), chapter 29.7.2 |
CADCx_CDR | ADC common regular data register for dual and triple modes (ADCx_CDR) (x=1/2), chapter 28.7.3 does not exist for ADC3 |
CADCx_CDR2 | ADC common regular data register for 32-bit dual mode (ADCx_CDR2) (x=1/2), chapter 28.7.4 does not exist for ADC3 |
CADCx_CSR | ADC Common status register (ADCx_CSR) (x=1/2), chapter 28.7.1 ADC Common status register (ADCx_CSR) (x=3), chapter 29.7.1 |
►CCRCRegisters | (CRC) module register structure |
CCRC_CR | Control register (CRC_CR), chapter 21.4.3 |
CCRC_DR | Data register (CRC_DR), chapter 21.4.1 |
CCRC_IDR | Independent data register (CRC_IDR), chapter 21.4.2 |
CCRC_INIT | Initial CRC value (CRC_INIT), chapter 21.4.4 |
CCRC_POL | CRC polynomial (CRC_POL), chapter 21.4.5 |
►CDMAMUXRegisters | Direct memory access request multiplexer (DMAMUX) register structure |
►CDMAMUX_CFR | DMAMUX1 request line interrupt clear flag register (DMAMUX1_CFR), chapter 17.6.5 DMAMUX2 request line interrupt clear flag register (DMAMUX2_CFR), chapter 17.6.6 |
►CDMAMUX_CSR | DMAMUX1 request line interrupt channel status register (DMAMUX1_CSR), chapter 17.6.3 DMAMUX2 request line interrupt channel status register (DMAMUX2_CSR), chapter 17.6.4 |
►CDMAMUX_CxCR | DMAMUX1 request line multiplexer channel x configuration register (DMAMUX1_CxCR) for x=0:15, chapter 17.6.1 DMAMUX2 request line multiplexer channel x configuration register (DMAMUX2_CxCR) for x=0:7, chapter 17.6.2 |
►CDMAMUX_RGCFR | DMAMUX1 request generator interrupt clear flag register (DMAMUX1_RGCFR), chapter 17.6.11 DMAMUX2 request generator interrupt clear flag register (DMAMUX2_RGCFR), chapter 17.6.12 |
►CDMAMUX_RGSR | DMAMUX1 request generator interrupt status register (DMAMUX1_RGSR), chapter 17.6.9 DMAMUX2 request generator interrupt status register (DMAMUX2_RGSR), chapter 17.6.10 |
►CDMAMUX_RGxCR | DMAMUX1 request generator channel x configuration register (DMAMUX1_RGxCR) for x=0:7, chapter 17.6.7 DMAMUX2 request generator channel x configuration register (DMAMUX2_RGxCR) for x=0:7, chapter 17.6.8 |
►CDMARegisters | Direct memory access (DMA) register structure |
CDMA_HIFCR | DMA low interrupt flag clear register (DMA_HIFCR), chapter 15.5.4 |
CDMA_HISR | DMA high interrupt status register (DMA_HISR), chapter 15.5.2 |
CDMA_LIFCR | DMA low interrupt flag clear register (DMA_LIFCR), chapter 15.5.3 |
CDMA_LISR | DMA low interrupt status register (DMA_LISR), chapter 15.5.1 |
►CDMAStreamRegisters | Direct memory access (DMA) stream register structure |
CDMA_SxCR | DMA stream x configuration register (DMA_SxCR) (x = 0..7), chapter 15.5.5 |
CDMA_SxFCR | DMA stream x FIFO control register (DMA_SxFCR) (x = 0..7), chapter 15.5.10 |
CDMA_SxM0AR | DMA stream x memory 0 address register (DMA_SxM0AR) (x = 0..7), chapter 15.5.8 |
CDMA_SxM1AR | DMA stream x memory 1 address register (DMA_SxM1AR) (x = 0..7), chapter 15.5.9 |
CDMA_SxNDTR | DMA stream x number of data register (DMA_SxNDTR) (x = 0..7), chapter 15.5.6 |
CDMA_SxPAR | DMA stream x peripheral address register (DMA_SxPAR) (x = 0..7), chapter 15.5.7 |
►CFLASHRegisters | Flash (FLASH) registers |
CFLASH_ACR | FLASH Access Control Register Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CFLASH_BOOT_CUR | FLASH register boot address for Arm� Cortex�-M7 core Access: no wait state when no Flash memory operation is ongoing, word, half-word and byte access |
CFLASH_BOOT_PRG | FLASH register boot address for Arm� Cortex�-M7 core Access: no wait state when no Flash memory operation is ongoing, word, half-word and byte access |
CFLASH_CCR | FLASH clear control register Access: no wait state when no Flash memory operation is ongoing, word, half-word and byte access |
CFLASH_CR | FLASH control register Access: no wait state when no Flash memory operation is ongoing, word, half-word and byte access |
CFLASH_CRCCR | FLASH CRC control register Access: no wait state when no Flash memory operation is ongoing, word, half-word and byte access |
CFLASH_CRCDATAR | FLASH CRC data register Access: no wait state when no Flash memory operation is ongoing, word, half-word and byte access |
CFLASH_CRCEADDR | FLASH CRC end address register Access: no wait state when no Flash memory operation is ongoing, word, half-word and byte access |
CFLASH_CRCSADDR | FLASH CRC start address register Access: no wait state when no Flash memory operation is ongoing, word, half-word and byte access |
CFLASH_ECC_FAR | FLASH ECC fail address Access: no wait state when no Flash memory operation is ongoing, word, half-word and byte access |
CFLASH_KEYR | FLASH Key register Access: no wait state, word access |
CFLASH_OPTCCR | FLASH option clear control register Access: no wait state when no Flash memory operation is ongoing, word, half-word and byte access |
CFLASH_OPTCR | FLASH option status register Access: no wait state when no Flash memory operation is ongoing, word, half-word and byte access |
CFLASH_OPTKEYR | FLASH Option key register Access: no wait state, word access |
CFLASH_OPTSR2_CUR | FLASH option status register 2 Access: no wait state when no Flash memory operation is ongoing, word, half-word and byte access |
CFLASH_OPTSR2_PRG | FLASH option status register 2 Access: no wait state when no Flash memory operation is ongoing, word, half-word and byte access |
CFLASH_OPTSR_CUR | FLASH option control register Access: no wait state when no Flash memory operation is ongoing, word, half-word and byte access |
CFLASH_OPTSR_PRG | FLASH option status register Access: no wait state when no Flash memory operation is ongoing, word, half-word and byte access |
CFLASH_PRAR_CUR | FLASH protection address Access: no wait state when no Flash memory operation is ongoing, word, half-word and byte access |
CFLASH_PRAR_PRG | FLASH protection address Access: no wait state when no Flash memory operation is ongoing, word, half-word and byte access |
CFLASH_SCAR_CUR | FLASH secure address Access: no wait state when no Flash memory operation is ongoing, word, half-word and byte access |
CFLASH_SCAR_PRG | FLASH secure address Access: no wait state when no Flash memory operation is ongoing, word, half-word and byte access |
CFLASH_SR | FLASH status register Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CFLASH_WPSN_CUR | FLASH write sector protection Access: no wait state when no Flash memory operation is ongoing, word, half-word and byte access |
CFLASH_WPSN_PRG | FLASH write sector protection Access: no wait state when no Flash memory operation is ongoing, word, half-word and byte access |
►CGPIORegisters | General purpose input/output module (GPIO) register structure |
CGPIOx_AFRH | GPIO alternate function high register (GPIOx_AFRH) (x =A to H, J, K), chapter 11.4.10 |
CGPIOx_AFRL | GPIO port configuration lock register (GPIOx_LCKR) (x =A to H, J, K), chapter 11.4.8 |
CGPIOx_BSRR | GPIO port bit set/reset register (GPIOx_BSRR) (x =A to H, J, K), chapter 11.4.7 |
CGPIOx_IDR | GPIO port input data register (GPIOx_IDR) (x =A to H, J, K), chapter 11.4.5 |
CGPIOx_MODER | GPIO port mode register (GPIOx_MODER) (x =A to H, J, K), chapter 11.4.1 |
CGPIOx_ODR | GPIO port output data register (GPIOx_ODR) (x =A to H, J, K), chapter 11.4.6 |
CGPIOx_OSPEEDR | GPIO port output speed register (GPIOx_OSPEEDR) (x =A to H, J, K), chapter 11.4.3 |
CGPIOx_OTYPER | GPIO port output type register (GPIOx_OTYPER) (x =A to H, J, K), chapter 11.4.2 |
CGPIOx_PUPDR | GPIO port pull-up/pull-down register (GPIOx_PUPDR) (x =A to H, J, K), chapter 11.4.4 |
►CI2CRegisters | (IC2) module register structure |
CI2C_CR1 | Control register 1 (I2C_CR1), chapter 52.7.1 |
CI2C_CR2 | Control register 2 (I2C_CR2), chapter 52.7.2 |
CI2C_ICR | Interrupt clear register (I2C_ICR), chapter 52.7.8 |
CI2C_ISR | Interrupt and status register (I2C_ISR), chapter 52.7.7 |
►CI2C_OAR1 | Own address 1 register (I2C_OAR1), chapter 52.7.3 |
CAddressMode10Bit | |
CAddressMode7Bit | |
CI2C_OAR2 | Own address 2 register (I2C_OAR2), chapter 52.7.4 |
CI2C_PECR | PEC register (I2C_PECR), chapter 52.7.9 |
CI2C_RXDR | Receive data register (RXDR_RXDR), chapter 52.7.10 |
CI2C_TIMEOUTR | Timeout register (I2C_TIMEOUTR), chapter 52.7.6 |
►CI2C_TIMINGR | Timing register (I2C_TIMINGR), chapter 52.7.5 |
CRegisterfields | |
CI2C_TXDR | Transmit data register (I2C_TXDR), chapter 52.7.11 |
►CMPURegisters | (MPU) register structure - Memory Protection Unit |
CMPU_CTRL | MPU Control Register, Chapter 4.6.2 |
CMPU_RASR | MPU Region Attribute and Size Register, Chapter 4.6.5 Access: word access |
CMPU_RBAR | MPU Region Base Address Register, Chapter 4.6.4 |
CMPU_RNR | MPU Region Number Register, Chapter 4.6.3 |
CMPU_TYPE | MPU Type Register, Chapter 4.6.1 The MPU_TYPE register indicates whether the optional MPU is present, and if so, how many regions it supports |
►CNVICRegisters | (NVIC) register structure |
CNVIC_STIR | Software Trigger Interrupt Register (NVIC_STIR), chapter 4.2.8, page 4-8 |
►COSPIMRegisters | (Octo-SPI I/O Manager) module register structure |
COCTOSPIM_CR | OCTOSPIM control register (OCTOSPIM_CR), chapter 26.4.1 |
COCTOSPIM_PnCR | OCTOSPIM port n configuration register (OCTOSPIM_PnCR) (n=1 to 2), chapter 26.4.2 |
►COSPIRegisters | (Octo-SPI) module register structure |
COCTOSPI_ABR | OCTOSPI alternate bytes registers (OCTOSPI_ABR), chapter 25.6.17 |
COCTOSPI_AR | OCTOSPI address register (OCTOSPI_AR), chapter 25.6.9 |
►COCTOSPI_CCR | OCTOSPI communication configuration register (OCTOSPI_CCR), chapter 25.6.14 |
CFields | |
COCTOSPI_CR | OCTOSPI control register (OCTOSPI_CR), chapter 25.6.1 |
COCTOSPI_DCR1 | OCTOSPI device configuration register (OCTOSPI_DCR1), chapter 25.6.2 |
COCTOSPI_DCR2 | OCTOSPI device configuration register (OCTOSPI_DCR2), chapter 25.6.3 |
COCTOSPI_DCR3 | OCTOSPI device configuration register (OCTOSPI_DCR3), chapter 25.6.4 |
COCTOSPI_DCR4 | OCTOSPI device configuration register (OCTOSPI_DCR4), chapter 25.6.5 |
COCTOSPI_DLR | OCTOSPI data length register (OCTOSPI_DLR), chapter 25.6.8 |
COCTOSPI_DR | OCTOSPI data register (OCTOSPI_DR), chapter 25.6.10 |
COCTOSPI_FCR | OCTOSPI flag clear register (OCTOSPI_FCR), chapter 25.6.7 |
COCTOSPI_HLCR | OCTOSPI HyperBus latency configuration register (OCTOSPI_HLCR), chapter 25.6.27 |
COCTOSPI_IR | OCTOSPI instruction register (OCTOSPI_IR), chapter 25.6.16 |
COCTOSPI_LPTR | OCTOSPI low-power timeout register (OCTOSPI_LPTR), chapter 25.6.18 |
COCTOSPI_PIR | OCTOSPI polling interval register (OCTOSPI_PIR), chapter 25.6.13 |
COCTOSPI_PSMAR | OCTOSPI polling status match register (OCTOSPI_PSMAR), chapter 25.6.12 |
COCTOSPI_PSMKR | OCTOSPI polling status mask register (OCTOSPI_PSMKR), chapter 25.6.11 |
COCTOSPI_SR | OCTOSPI status register (OCTOSPI_SR), chapter 25.6.6 |
COCTOSPI_TCR | OCTOSPI timing configuration register (OCTOSPI_TCR), chapter 25.6.15 |
COCTOSPI_WABR | OCTOSPI write alternate bytes register (OCTOSPI_WABR), chapter 25.6.26 |
COCTOSPI_WCCR | OCTOSPI write communication configuration register (OCTOSPI_WCCR), chapter 25.6.23 |
COCTOSPI_WIR | OCTOSPI write instruction register (OCTOSPI_WIR), chapter 25.6.25 |
COCTOSPI_WPABR | OCTOSPI wrap alternate bytes register (OCTOSPI_WPABR), chapter 25.6.22 |
COCTOSPI_WPCCR | OCTOSPI wrap communication configuration register (OCTOSPI_WPCCR), chapter 25.6.19 |
COCTOSPI_WPIR | OCTOSPI wrap instruction register (OCTOSPI_WPIR), chapter 25.6.21 |
COCTOSPI_WPTCR | OCTOSPI wrap timing configuration register (OCTOSPI_WPTCR), chapter 25.6.20 |
COCTOSPI_WTCR | OCTOSPI write timing configuration register (OCTOSPI_WTCR), chapter 25.6.24 |
►CPWRRegisters | (PWR) register structure |
CPWR_CPUCR | PWR CPU control register (PWR_CPUCR), chapter 6.8.5 |
CPWR_CR1 | PWR power control register (PWR_CR1), chapter 6.8.1 |
CPWR_CR2 | PWR power control/status register 2 (PWR_CR2) (PWR_CR2), chapter 6.8.3 |
CPWR_CR3 | PWR power control/status register 3 (PWR_CR3), chapter 6.8.4 |
CPWR_CSR1 | PWR power control/status register (PWR_CSR1), chapter 6.8.2 |
CPWR_D3CR | PWR D3 domain control register (PWR_D3CR), chapter 6.8.6 |
CPWR_WKUPCR | PWR wakeup clear register (PWR_WKUPCR), chapter 6.8.7 |
CPWR_WKUPEPR | PWR wakeup enable and polarity register (PWR_WKUPEPR), chapter 6.8.9 |
CPWR_WKUPFR | PWR wakeup flag register (PWR_WKUPFR), chapter 6.8.8 |
►CRCCRegisters | (RCC) register structure |
CRCC_AHB1ENR | RCC AHB1 peripheral clock register (RCC_AHB1ENR)), chapter 8.7.40 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_AHB1LPENR | RCC AHB1 Sleep clock register (RCC_AHB1LPENR), chapter 8.7.49 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_AHB1RSTR | RCC AHB1 peripheral reset register (RCC_AHB1RSTR), chapter 8.7.28 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_AHB2ENR | RCC AHB2 peripheral clock enable register (RCC_AHB2ENR), chapter 8.7.41 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_AHB2LPENR | RCC AHB2 Sleep clock register (RCC_AHB2LPENR), chapter 8.7.50 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_AHB2RSTR | RCC AHB2 peripheral reset register (RCC_AHB2RSTR), chapter 8.7.29 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_AHB3ENR | RCC AHB3 peripheral clock enable register (RCC_AHB2ENR), chapter 8.7.39 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_AHB3LPENR | RCC AHB3 Sleep clock register (RCC_AHB3LPENR), chapter 8.7.48 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_AHB3RSTR | RCC AHB3 peripheral reset register (RCC_AHB3RSTR), chapter 8.7.27 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_AHB4ENR | RCC AHB4 clock register (RCC_AHB4ENR), chapter 8.7.42 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_AHB4LPENR | RCC AHB4 Sleep clock register (RCC_AHB4LPENR), chapter 8.7.51 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_AHB4RSTR | RCC AHB4 peripheral reset register (RCC_AHB4RSTR), chapter 8.7.30 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_APB1HENR | RCC APB1 clock register (RCC_APB1HENR), chapter 8.7.45 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_APB1HLPENR | RCC APB1 High Sleep clock register (RCC_APB1HLPENR), chapter 8.7.54 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_APB1HRSTR | RCC APB1 peripheral reset register (RCC_APB1HRSTR), chapter 8.7.33 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_APB1LENR | RCC APB1 clock register (RCC_APB1LENR), chapter 8.7.44 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_APB1LLPENR | RCC APB1 Low Sleep clock register (RCC_APB1LLPENR), chapter 8.7.53 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_APB1LRSTR | RCC APB1 peripheral reset register (RCC_APB1LRSTR), chapter 8.7.32 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_APB2ENR | RCC APB2 clock register (RCC_APB2ENR), chapter 8.7.46 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_APB2LPENR | RCC APB2 Sleep clock register (RCC_APB2LPENR), chapter 8.7.55 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_APB2RSTR | RCC APB2 peripheral reset register (RCC_APB2RSTR), chapter 8.7.34 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_APB3ENR | RCC APB3 clock register (RCC_APB3ENR), chapter 8.7.43 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_APB3LPENR | RCC APB3 Sleep Clock Register (RCC_APB3LPENR), chapter 8.7.52 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_APB3RSTR | RCC APB3 peripheral reset register (RCC_APB3RSTR), chapter 8.7.31 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_APB4ENR | RCC APB4 clock register (RCC_APB4ENR), chapter 8.7.47 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_APB4LPENR | RCC APB4 Sleep clock register (RCC_APB4LPENR), chapter 8.7.56 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_APB4RSTR | RCC APB4 peripheral reset register (RCC_APB4RSTR), chapter 8.7.35 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_BDCR | RCC backup domain control register (RCC_BDCR), chapter 8.7.25 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_CFGR | RCC clock configuration register (RCC_CFGR), chapter 8.7.6 Access: 0 <= wait state <= 2, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_CICR | RCC clock source interrupt clear register (RCC_CICR), chapter 8.7.24 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_CIER | RCC clock source interrupt enable register (RCC_CIER), chapter 8.7.22 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_CIFR | RCC clock source interrupt flag register (RCC_CIFR), chapter 8.7.23 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_CR | RCC source control register (RCC_CR), chapter 8.7.2 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_CRRCR | RCC clock recovery RC register (RCC_CRRCR), chapter 8.7.4 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_CSICFGR | RCC CSI configuration register (RCC_CSICFGR), chapter 8.7.5 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_CSR | RCC clock control & status register (RCC_CSR), chapter 8.7.26 Access: 0 <= wait state <= 3, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_D1CCIPR | RCC domain 1 kernel clock configuration register (RCC_D1CCIPR), chapter 8.7.18 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_D1CFGR | RCC domain 1 clock configuration register (RCC_D1CFGR), chapter 8.7.7 Access: 0 <= wait state <= 2, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_D2CCIP1R | RCC domain 2 kernel clock configuration register (RCC_D2CCIP1R), chapter 8.7.19 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_D2CCIP2R | RCC domain 2 kernel clock configuration register (RCC_D2CCIP2R), chapter 8.7.20 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_D2CFGR | RCC domain 2 clock configuration register (RCC_D2CFGR), chapter 8.7.8 Access: 0 <= wait state <= 2, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_D3AMR | RCC D3 Autonomous mode register (RCC_D3AMR), chapter 8.7.37 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_D3CCIPR | RCC domain 3 kernel clock configuration register (RCC_D3CCIPR), chapter 8.7.21 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_D3CFGR | RCC domain 3 clock configuration register (RCC_D3CFGR), chapter 8.7.9 Access: 0 <= wait state <= 2, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_GCR | RCC global control register (RCC_GCR), chapter 8.7.36 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_HSICFGR | RCC HSI configuration register (RCC_HSICFGR), chapter 8.7.3 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_PLL1DIVR | RCC PLL1 dividers configuration register (RCC_PLL1DIVR), chapter 8.7.12 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_PLL1FRACR | RCC PLL1 fractional divider register (RCC_PLL1FRACR), chapter 8.7.13 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_PLL2DIVR | RCC PLL2 dividers configuration register (RCC_PLL2DIVR), chapter 8.7.14 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_PLL2FRACR | RCC PLL2 fractional divider register (RCC_PLL2FRACR), chapter 8.7.15 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_PLL3DIVR | RCC PLL3 dividers configuration register (RCC_PLL3DIVR), chapter 8.7.16 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_PLL3FRACR | RCC PLL1 fractional divider register (RCC_PLL1FRACR), chapter 8.7.17 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_PLLCFGR | RCC PLLs Configuration Register (RCC_PLLCFGR), chapter 8.7.11 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_PLLCKSELR | RCC PLLs clock source selection register (RCC_PLLCKSELR), chapter 8.7.10 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
CRCC_RSR | RCC reset status register (RCC_RSR), chapter 8.7.38 Access: no wait state, word, half-word and byte access |
►CRTCRegisters | (CRC) module register structure |
CRTC_ALRMAR | RTC alarm A register, chapter 51.7.7 |
CRTC_ALRMASSR | RTC alarm a sub second register, chapter 51.7.17 |
CRTC_ALRMBR | RTC alarm B register, chapter 51.7.8 |
CRTC_ALRMBSSR | RTC alarm b sub second register, chapter 51.7.18 |
CRTC_BKPxR | RTC backup register, chapter 51.7.20 |
CRTC_CALR | RTC calibration register, chapter 51.7.15 |
CRTC_CR | RTC Control register, chapter 51.7.3 |
►CRTC_DR | RTC Date register, chapter 51.7.2 |
CFields | |
CRTC_ISR | RTC initialization and status register, chapter 51.7.4 |
CRTC_OR | RTC option register, chapter 51.7.19 |
CRTC_PRER | RTC prescale register, chapter 51.7.5 |
CRTC_SHIFTR | RTC shift control register, chapter 51.7.11 |
CRTC_SSR | RTC sub second register, chapter 51.7.10 |
CRTC_TAFCR | RTC tamper and alternate function configuration register, chapter 51.7.16 |
►CRTC_TR | RTC Time register, chapter 51.7.1 |
CFields | |
CRTC_TSDR | RTC timestamp date register, chapter 51.7.13 |
CRTC_TSSSR | RTC time stamp sub second register, chapter 51.7.14 |
CRTC_TSTR | RTC timestamp time register, chapter 51.7.12 |
CRTC_WPR | RTC write protection register, chapter 51.7.9 |
CRTC_WUTR | RTC wakeup timer register, chapter 51.7.6 |
►CSCBRegisters | System Control Block (SCB) register structure |
CSCB_ACTLR | Auxiliary Control Register (ACTLR) on page 4-13 |
CSCB_AIRCR | Application Interrupt and Reset Control Register (AIRCR) on page 4-17 |
CSCB_BFAR | BusFault Address Register (BFAR) on page 4-31 |
CSCB_CCR | Configuration and Control Register (CCR) on page 4-20 Access: word access |
CSCB_CCSIDR | Cache Size ID Register (CCSIDR) on page 4-39 |
►CSCB_CFSR | Configurable Fault Status Register (CFSR) on page 4-26 Access: byte, half-word and word access |
CSCB_CLIDR | Cache Level ID Register (CLIDR) on page 4-37 |
CSCB_CPACR | Coprocessor Access Control Register (CPACR) on page 4-56 |
CSCB_CPUID | CPUID Base Register (CPUID) on page 4-14 |
CSCB_CSSELR | Cache Size Selection Register (CSSELR) on page 4-40 |
CSCB_CTR | Cache Type Register (CTR) on page 4-38 |
CSCB_DCOSetWay | Data cache operations by set-way (DCISW, DCCSW, DCCISW) on page 4-62 |
CSCB_DFSR | Debug Fault Status Register (DFSR) |
CSCB_HFSR | HardFault Status Register (HFSR) on page 4-31 |
CSCB_ICSR | Interrupt Control and State Register (ICSR) on page 4-15 |
CSCB_MMAR | MemManage Fault Address Register (MMAR) on page 4-31 |
CSCB_SCR | System Control Register (SCR) on page 4-19 Access: word access |
CSCB_SHCSR | System Handler Control and State Register (SHCSR) on page 4-25 Access: word access |
CSCB_SHPR1 | System Handler Priority Register 1 (SHPR1) on page 4-22 Access: byte, half-word and word access |
CSCB_SHPR2 | System Handler Priority Register 2 (SHPR2) on page 4-23 Access: byte, half-word and word access |
CSCB_SHPR3 | System Handler Priority Register 3 (SHPR3) on page 4-24 Access: byte, half-word and word access |
CSCB_VTOR | Vector Table Offset Register (VTOR) on page 4-16 |
►CSYSCFGRegisters | System configuration controller (SYSCFG) register structure |
►CSYSTICKRegisters | System Tick (SYSTICK) register structure |
CSYST_CALIB | SysTick Calibration Value Register (SYST_CALIB) on page 4-35 |
CSYST_CSR | SysTick Control and Status Register (SYST_CSR) on page 4-33 |
CSYST_CVR | SysTick Current Value Register (SYST_CVR) on page 4-35 |
CSYST_RVR | SysTick Reload Value Register (SYST_RVR) on page 4-34 |
►CTIMRegisters | Timer (TIM) register structure |
CTIMx_AF1 | TIM1/TIM8 alternate function option register 1 (TIMx_AF1), chapter 43.4.26, 43.4.28 TIM2,3,5 and TIM23/24: Only register field ETRSEL is used |
CTIMx_AF2 | TIM1/TIM8 alternate function option register 2 (TIMx_AF2), chapter 43.4.27, 43.4.29 |
CTIMx_ARR | TIMx auto-reload register (TIMx_ARR) The value can be 32 bit or 16 bit based on the timer |
CTIMx_BDTR | TIM1/TIM8 break and dead-time register (TIMx_BDTR), chapter 43.4.20 |
►CTIMx_CCER | TIMx capture/compare enable register (TIMx_CCER), chapter 43.4.11 Only bit 0,1 and 3 used for TIM 13/14, see chapter 45.5.7 In the description of the CCxP, CCxNE and CCxNP Bits, one can see that the functionality is different in input capture mode |
►CTIMx_CCMR1 | TIMx capture/compare mode register 1 (TIMx_CCMR1), chapter 43.4.7, 43.4.8 |
►CTIMx_CCMR2 | TIMx capture/compare mode register 2 (TIMx_CCMR2), chapter 43.4.9, 43.4.10 |
►CTIMx_CCMR3 | TIM1/TIM8 capture/compare mode register 3 (TIMx_CCMR3), chapter 43.4.23 |
CTIMx_CCR5 | TIM1/TIM8 capture/compare register 5 (TIMx_CCR5), chapter 43.4.24 |
CTIMx_CCRx | TIMx capture/compare register x (TIMx_CCRx) The value can be 32 bit or 16 bit based on the timer |
►CTIMx_CNT | TIMx counter (TIMx_CNT) TIM 1/8 - 16 bit: see chapter 43.4.12 TIM2/3/4/5/23/24 - 32 bit: see chapter 44.4.13 TIM12 - 16 bit: see chapter 45.4.10 TIM13/14 - 16 bit: see chapter 45.5.8 TIM15 - 16 bit: see chapter 46.5.10 TIM16/17 - 16 bit: see chapter 46.6.9 TIM6/7 - 16 bit: see chapter 47.4.6 |
CBit16 | |
CBit31_WithRemapping | |
CBit32_NoRemapping | |
CTIMx_CR1 | TIMx control register 1 (TIMx_CR1), chapter 43.4.1 |
CTIMx_CR2 | TIM1x control register 2 (TIMx_CR2), chapter 43.4.2 Bit 0, 2 and 8-31 only for TIM1 and TIM8 |
CTIMx_DCR | TIMx DMA control register (TIMx_DCR), chapter 43.4.21 |
CTIMx_DIER | TIMx DMA/interrupt enable register (TIMx_DIER), chapter 43.4.4 only bit 0 and 1 used for TIM 13/14 |
CTIMx_DMAR | TIM1/TIM8 DMA address for full transfer (TIMx_DMAR) TIM 1/8 - 32 bit: see chapter 43.4.22 TIM2/3/4/5/23/24 - 16 bit: see chapter 44.4.21 TIM12 - not used TIM13/14 - not used TIM15 - 16 bit: see chapter 46.5.18 TIM16/17 - 16 bit: see chapter 46.6.16 TIM6/7 - not used |
CTIMx_EGR | TIM1x event generation register (TIMx_EGR), chapter 43.4.6 Only bit 0 and 1 used for TIM 13/14 |
CTIMx_PSC | TIMx prescaler (TIMx_PSC), chapter 43.4.13 |
CTIMx_RCR | TIM1/TIM8 repetition counter register (TIMx_RCR), chapter 43.4.15 |
CTIMx_SMCR | TIMx slave mode control register (TIMx_SMCR), chapter 43.4.3 |
CTIMx_SR | TIMx status register (TIMx_SR), chapter 43.4.5 Only bit 0,1 and 9 used for TIM 13/14 |
CTIMx_TISEL | TIM1 timer input selection register (TIM1_TISEL), chapter 43.4.03, 43.4.31 |
►CUsartRegisters | (USART) module register structure |
CUSART_BRR | Baud rate register (USART Baud rate register), chapter 53.7.5 |
►CUSART_CR1 | Control register 1 (USART Control register 1), chapter 53.7.1 & 53.7.2 |
►CUSART_CR2 | Control register 2 (USART Control register 2), chapter 53.7.3 |
CUSART_CR3 | Control register 3 (USART Control register 3), chapter 53.7.4 |
CUSART_GTPR | USART Guard time and prescaler register, chapter 53.7.6 |
CUSART_ICR | USART Interrupt flag clear register , chapter 53.7.11 |
►CUSART_ISR | USART Interrupt and status register , chapter 53.7.9 & 53.7.10 |
CUSART_PRESC | USART prescaler register, chapter 53.7.14 |
CUSART_RDR | USART receive data register, chapter 53.7.12 |
CUSART_RQR | USART Request register , chapter 53.7.8 |
CUSART_RTOR | USART Receiver timeout register , chapter 53.7.7 |
CUSART_TDR | USART transmit data register, chapter 53.7.13 |
CCoreCortexM7 | |
CSystemMemoryMap | Definition of hardware memory map |
▼Nlib | |
►Nalarms | |
CAlarmSenderIfc | Interface to send an alarm message to activate or deactivate a given alarm |
CFlagAlarm | Activates the given alarms if the flag is set and deactivates it when the flag is cleared |
CRangeAlarm | Activates the given alarms if the value is outside a defined range |
CRangeAlarmWithDelay | Activates the given alarms if the value is outside the range longer as the given delay |
CRangeAlarmWithHysteresis | Activates the given alarms if the value is outside the set range |
►Ncrypto | |
CEllipticCurveDSA | This class provides the functions to use the elliptic curve digital signature algorithm |
CSha256Hash | Provides the functions required to calculate a SHA-256 hash |
►Nremoting | |
CCRC16CheckFailedCallbackIfc | Callback to handle a failed CRC16 check |
CDataFrame | Representation of a package of data that gets transmitted e.g |
CDataFrameCRC16CheckReceiveLayer | This layer checks incoming data frames for crc errors |
CDataFrameCRC16CheckSendLayer | This layer checks incoming data frames for crc errors |
CDataFrameQueueOverflowListenerIfc | DataFrameQueueOverflowListenerIfc |
CDataFrameSyncReceiveLayer | This layer receives a byte stream from a lower layer and tries to generate data frames out of the byte streams data |
CDataFrameSyncSendLayer | This layer appends frame end chars to mark the the end of a data frame |
CDataReceiverIfc | DataReceiverIfc |
CDataSenderIfc | DataSenderIfc |
CRemoteObjectAbs | Provides an abstract base class for all remote object implementations |
CRemoteObjectCallbackTemplate | Defines a remote object template to serialize and deserialize a protocol and send them to a callback function |
CRemoteObjectIfc | Classes that implement this interface provide a generic mechanism to exchange data with a remoting peer |
CRemoteObjectSignalTemplate | Defines a remote object template to serialize and deserialize a protocol |
CRemoteObjectTemplate | Defines a remote object template to serialize and deserialize a protocol and send them directly to a PortOut |
►CRemotePools | RemotePools |
CDataFrameData | Struct to save frame data |
CRemotingReceiveService | Service for remote objects to receive data from another remote object |
CRemotingSendService | Service for remote objects to send data to another remote object |
CRemotingSendServiceIfc | Interface for the remoting sending service (allows remote objects to initiate the send by themselves) |
CRemotingServiceBase | Provides the base Class for RemotingSendService and RemotingReceiveService, which implements the RemotingServiceIfc |
CRemotingServiceIfc | Interface for the RemotingService |
►Nsrecconverter | |
CDataRecord | DataRecord |
CSRecConverter | The SRecConverter is used to read a Motorola srecord binary file |
►Nstrings | |
CStringConversion | String conversion class |
▼Nos | |
►Nfreertos | |
CFreeRTOSMailbox | A FreeRTOS specific Mailbox |
►Nlinux | |
►Ngmock | |
CMockCpuStatistics | Cpu statistics mock implementation |
CMockFileIo | File io mock implementation |
CMockMemoryStatistics | Memory statistics mock implementation |
CMockNetworkInterface | Network interface mock implementation |
CMockOS | Mock manager, which will be the entry point for all MockObjects |
CMockProcess | Process mock implementation |
CMockSerialPort | Serial port mock implementation |
CMockSystemTime | System time mock implementation |
CMockThread | Mock thread implementation |
CCpuStatistics | Provides functions to read out the current CPU usage |
CFileIo | Provide file access functions |
CMemoryStatistics | Provides functions to read out current memory usage information |
CNetworkInterface | Provides functions to |
CProcess | Helper class to call process specific functions |
CRamUsageInfo | Helper class to store RAM usage information |
CSerialPort | Provides functions to transmit serial port data |
CSerialPortConfig | Maintains configuration information of a serial port |
CSystemTime | Provides functions to read the current system time |
CThread | Provides a thread instance toghether with the infrastructure required to stop the thread as well as some synchronization primitives that can be used to synchronize access to shared data |
CThreadHelper | Helper to apply scheduling policies on a thread instance |
CThreadSchedulingParams | Provides the parameters required to setup the scheduling of a thread |
▼NUnitTestActiveParts | |
CTestEventArgs | Serializable test data used within tests with two uint32_t parameters |
▼NunitTestHelper | |
CActivePartHelper | Helper for sending messages to an active part |
CMockTestBase | Base class for all UnitTests which use the mocking infrastructure |
CTestAssertActionHandler | Helper class for initializing the AssertActionManager |
CTestBase | Test base class |
CTestUtil | Provides utility functions for TestClasses |
C__fpscr | |
C__infinity_un | |
C__nan_un | |
Cenv87 | |
Cenvxmm | |
Cfenv_t | |
Cfpacc87 | |
Cieee_double_shape_type | |
Cieee_extended_shape_type | |
Cieee_float_shape_type | |
Cieee_quad_shape_type | |
CIEEEd2bits | |
CIEEEf2bits | |
CIEEEl2bits | |
Csave87 | |
Csavefpu | |
Csavexmm | |
Cxmmacc | |